Can I use color in my thesis?

Date: July 2019


Hi Deans,

I hope you’re having a wonderful summer!

I am working on the format of my master’s thesis right now, and heard “you are not supposed to use colors in your thesis since it will be printed in black and white”. It sounds like a rumor to me, but I assume there is no harm to double check with you. Is it true that the thesis can only use different degrees of grayness instead of full color scale?

Thank you!

Thesis Writer


Dear Thesis Writer,

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! Including color in your thesis is permitted and may be both appropriate and desirable for charts, diagrams, and pictures. However, because of color management of PDFs from screen to print, particularly vibrant colors may look different in print so please take this into consideration. All bound copies of theses and dissertations are printed in color at no extra cost including the library copy. Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions or concerns.

Best of luck to you.


Brenda D’Angelo
Director of Student Services and Registrar