Comment #4 about Ask a Dean 3/16/17

Date: March 2017


Dear Dean,

I just want to thank you for your feedback from the Ask A Dean. I’ve been following this Union matter since it started and based on my experience I think that Grad School is good the way it is. I always found the Grad School supportive when I needed it and all my issues were resolved really fast.

I don’t see myself as an employee. I was one before and the feeling that I have from Cornell is different. My Advisor, Professors, and the staff were always supportive and treated me with respect. I even feel that some professors treated me as a peer. I don’t want to change this good feeling to something uncertain.

Anyway, I just want you to know that (not just me) many graduate students support Grad School the way it is and we will show it (again) if an election is held.

Supported Graduate Student


Dear Supported Graduate Student,

Thank you for your Ask a Dean comment.

Your experiences at Cornell may be of interest to other Ask a Dean readers. Thank you for sharing your perspectives.

And thanks for being committed to exercising your right to vote in a union representation election. Assuming the American Arbitration Association confirms that CGSU/AFT/NYSUT presented valid, signed authorization cards from at least 30% of the potential bargaining unit, the election will be held on March 27 and March 28. More details will come soon!

Please encourage all eligible graduate students to vote!

Warm regards,


Barbara A. Knuth
Senior Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School