Where is the best place to drop off compost?

Date: March 2018


Dear Deans:

Where is the best place to drop off food scraps since I can’t have a compost pile in my backyard?




Dear Got-Compost-Envy,

Thanks very much for your Ask a Dean question! 

Since you mention having a backyard, I assume you’re living off campus. See the list of Food Scraps Recycling Drop Spots in Tompkins County. Sites and times are listed, and include locations in downtown Ithaca, East Hill Plaza, Brooktondale, Cass Park, Cayuga Heights, Danby, Dryden, Lansing, and Trumansburg. 

The website also provides instructions about how to collect food scraps and notes that kitchen caddies, food scrap bags, and transportation containers are available free of charge from the Department of Recycling and Materials Management office or at any of the Drop Spot locations. More information about food scraps recycling equipment is available on the Recycle Tompkins website.

Thanks for your interest in sustainability!

Warm regards,


Barbara A. Knuth
Senior Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School