Global Development
Field Description
The field of Global Development offers the Master of Professional Studies in Global Development program. Featuring senior faculty advisors with strong global experience and international reputations, the Global Development MPS program provides opportunities for critically analyzing development strategies and learning about practices, technologies, approaches and trends in development worldwide.
Contact Information
275A Warren Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Data and Statistics
Field Manual
Subject and Degrees
Global Development
Concentrations by Subject
Global Development
- global development
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: plant pathology, plant breeding
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: African and African diaspora education; gender issues; family and social structure
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: development policy; economic analysis
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: labor markets, crop pricing and adoption, eco-labeling, trade
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: international trade; economic development; regional economics
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: agricultural economics; development policy
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: resilience dynamics, measurement and evaluation design, food and nutrition security
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests:
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: development policy
- Campus: Ithaca - (Divisional Member)
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: Decolonizing international education, University/community partnerships, Culture, society, and development, Refugees and migration
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: animal ecology; community and ecosystem ecology; limnology
- Campus: Ithaca - (Divisional Member)
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: population and development, fertility, inequality, research methods, stratification and mobility
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: food marketing and distribution; supply chain analysis
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: theory, law, globalization, development, political economy
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: food systems, climate change, mitigation, adaptation, farming systems, sustainability, transition pathways
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: Social stratification; demography; community; theory and research methods
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: agronomy; cropping systems; traditional agriculture; research and development in South Asia
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: indigenous rights; sustainable development; gender analysis; climate change
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: mobile technology, development communication, public health, agribusiness in emerging markets
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: environmental education, global online learning, civic ecology/environmental stewardship
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: collective bargaining; labor law; labor history; Asian industrial relations transformations
- Campus: Ithaca - (Graduate School Professor)
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: natural resources; development policy
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: soil fertility and nutrient management; ecosystems ranges from agriculture; agroforestry to forest successions
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Campus: Ithaca - (Divisional Member)
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: Science Studies, Border and Migration Studies, Middle East Studies, Science Policy
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: Sustainability; Food Systems; Spatial Data Science; Human-Environment Systems
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: Agriculture and Rural development, Food Security, Africa, Economic Development
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: governance of climate change; internet government
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: international cropping systems, sustainable intensification, environmental information systems for enhancing decision-making in agriculture
- Campus: Ithaca - (Divisional Member)
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: Sustainable enterprise, strategic management, market and enterprise development, technology commercialization, sustainability-related finance and investment, social enterprise/entrepreneurship/innovation
- Campus: Ithaca - (Divisional Member)
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: Gender & Entrepreneurship Development in Sub-Saharan Africa; Diffusion of Innovation; Monitoring & Evaluation
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: improvement and management of resistance for resource-poor farmers; linking agricultural research and extension
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: wildlife: health, conservation; one health; planetary health; biodiversity; sustainable agriculture; rural development; science policy
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: community-university engagement; community organizing; democracy, science, and education; history of American higher education; action research; narrative inquiry
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: agriculture ecology; pest management; ecological interactions between natural and agricultural ecosystems
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: sustainability of fruit production
- Campus: Ithaca - (Divisional Member)
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: Sustainable vegetable production; small-scale agriculture; urban food systems
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: food chemistry; waste management; religious (kosher and halal) and ethnic foods; fish technology
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: engineering and processing of food systems; processing technologies; packaging and international food developments
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: Agribusiness Management, Rural Development, Cooperatives
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: Sociology of education and communities; policy implementation; rural community vitality; educational and social policy; mixed and quantitative research methods
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: History of computing; peace and conflict studies; history of science and technology; risk; expertise
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: varieties for smallholders farmers; farmer variety selection and conservation; participatory plant breeding; tropical crop production systems
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: innovative ways of integrated watershed management
- Campus: Ithaca - (Divisional Member)
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: tropical cropping systems, system of rice intensification, agrobiodiversity, agroecology, agroforestry
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: soil microbial ecology
- Campus: Ithaca - (Divisional Member)
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: natural resources in post conflict/post disaster, Social - ecological systems resilience, Human - nature interactions and dichotomies, Therapeutic values of conservation and recreation for returning combatants
- Campus: Ithaca - (Graduate School Professor)
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Entrepreneurship
- Campus: Ithaca - (Graduate School Professor)
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: farmer-led innovation; alternative extension approaches and institutional arrangements; diverse partnerships for development
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: priority setting for plant breeding, gender research, participatory plant breeding
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: soil and water conservation; precision agriculture; environmental protection
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: community development; economic development; state and local government policy
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: political economy of development; social movements and resistance; agrarian societies; political ecology and conservation; land use; land reform; critical ethnography all in Latin America
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: intercultural communication, knowledge management
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Global Development: global development
- Research Interests: Environmental Sociology; Risk and Disaster; Flood Management; Community; Livelihoods; Agriculture; Land Use Change; Mixed Methods; Spatial Data Analysis; Contemporary China