Landscape Architecture
Field Description
Master of Landscape Architecture Degree
The intention of this accredited, license qualifying curriculum is the teaching of the theoretical underpinnings of the field of landscape architecture while building the necessary skills for practicing this challenging profession. The program consist of design studios, courses in technical and computer skills, and the development of a concentration focused on the student's personal area of interest.
Individuals holding an undergraduate degree are candidates for the Master of Landscape Architecture Degree. Each applicant's undergraduate academic record and a personal portfolio will be reviewed to identify individuals who may be outstanding candidates in the Cornell master's program. Depending on an individual's background and academic credentials, the curriculum will typically require six semesters of work for successful completion. A curriculum will be determined individually for each successful candidate.
Individuals holding an undergraduate degree in landscape architecture or having unique employment experience may also apply for the MLA degree. Each applicant's academic record, personal portfolio, and appropriate work experience will be reviewed to identify successful applicants. Depending on an individual's background and academic credentials, the curriculum will require three to four semesters of work for successful completion. This will be determined individually for each successful candidate.
Master of Professional Studies in Landscape Architecture
The Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.) in Landscape Architecture was created for individuals with an interest in advancing their career options by pursuing timely and innovative issues related to planning, designing, and/or managing natural and built environments. The program investigates areas of Landscape Architecture through a year-long program of coursework, involvement in department faculty/project based problem solving and independent studies.
The program requires 30 hours of course work. This must include 20 hours within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, including 6 credits of project-based work. Interested prospective students should submit applications based on their area of interest and compatibility with Cornell's resources and the expertise of current faculty members in the Department of Landscape Architecture. Once accepted, students will plan an appropriate curriculum in consultation with a designated faculty mentor. The MPS in Landscape Architecture is a non-license qualifying degree.
Contact Information
Phone: 607 255-9552
440 Kennedy Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Data and Statistics
Subject and Degrees
Landscape Architecture
- Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.) (Ithaca)
- Landscape Architecture (M.P.S.) (Ithaca)
- Landscape Architecture (M.R.P./M.L.A. (dual degree)) (Ithaca)
Concentrations by Subject
Landscape Architecture
- designing the city (M.L.A./M.R.P. only)
- economic development planning: communities and regions (M.L.A./M.R.P. only)
- international studies in planning (M.L.A./M.R.P. only)
- land use and environmental planning (M.L.A./M.R.P. only)
- landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Campus: Ithaca - (Divisional Member)
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: urban revitalization and landscape technology
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: landscapes of illusions
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: urban ecological systems; urban ecological design; sustainable development planning
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: historic preservation
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: architecture
- Campus: Ithaca - (Minor Member)
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: designing the city (M.L.A./M.R.P. only); economic development planning: communities and regions (M.L.A./M.R.P. only); international studies in planning (M.L.A./M.R.P. only); land use and environmental planning (M.L.A./M.R.P. only); landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: designing the city, economic development planning: communities and regions, international studies in planning, land use and environmental planning, landscape architecture
- Campus: Ithaca - (Divisional Member)
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: master planning, urban design, and landscape architecture projects in urban environments
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: Maria Goula is a foundation member (since 1993) of the first research centre in Spain specialized in Landscape Architecture studies and planning (CRPPBarcelona2); CRPPBarcelona
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: landscape representation, cultural landscapes
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: design, fabrication, food systems, materials, sustainability
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: the convergence of politics, economics, and popular culture as related to the built environment
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: Inclusive & youth-friendly environments; outdoor & nature-based play and learning landscapes; community-based activity & mobility, participatory planning, design & community development; socio-environmental determinants of healthy behaviours
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: • Landscape History/Theory/Practice; Global Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Design • Urban ecological design, afforestation, ecological infrastructures • Environmental politics, Social and cultural history of society-nature relations • Russian, East European, Central Asian and Soviet Studies (Late Imperial, 20th Century, Siberia) • History: Environmental, Urban, Transnational and Comparative • Evidence-based pedagogy for inclusive and cross-cultural learning, curriculum development
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: land/water interface and landscape infrastructure
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Landscape Architecture: landscape architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S.)
- Research Interests: Landscape Architecture