Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology
Field Description
For a more complete description of the field of plant pathology and plant-microbe biology, please visit the field's graduate page.
Plant pathology and plant-microbe biology are the study of plant diseases and the biology of plant-microbe interactions at the molecular to ecosystem levels of organization. The field of plant pathology and plant-microbe biology at Cornell offers graduate degree programs in plant pathology and the biology, genetics, and evolution of fungi and oomycetes.
In addition to plant pathology and plant-microbe biology, Cornell University offers graduate programs that cover the full spectrum of plant sciences. View more information on graduate studies in related fields of plant sciences.
Contact Information
Phone: 607 255-9573
Data and Statistics
Field Manual
Subject and Degrees
Plant Pathology
Concentrations by Subject
Plant Pathology
- fungal and oomycete biology
- plant pathology
- plant-microbe biology
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology
- Research Interests: cereal rust pathology and pathogen population biology, international plant pathology aspects, host resistance
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: bacterial pathogens of plants; especially molecular interactions of Xanthomnas oryzae with rice; TAL effector biology and application; genome editing for disease resistance; fungal effector biology
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: Characterization of secondary metabolism in fungi and investigating roles of secondary metabolites in host-fungal interactions. Emphasis on root endophytes and insect pathogenic and nematode parasitic fungi.
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: genetics and genomics of disease resistance; fungal and oomycete pathogens of grapevine
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: Viral pathogens of plants; vector-borne plant pathogens; ecological and molecular basis of virus-host and virus-vector-host interactions; molecular basis of plant defense responses to viruses and vectors
- Campus: Ithaca - (Minor Member)
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology
- Research Interests: Plant Pathology, Tree Fruit Pathology, Epidemiology, Disease Management, Extension
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: orchard fungal ecology; extension pathology; pesticide management; fruit pathology
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: plant-microbe biology
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: Role of small non-coding RNAs and RNA binding proteins in the biology of bacterial plant pathogens; the development of new approaches to perform global transcriptome profiling
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: virus diseases of fruit and vegetable crops; biology, epidemiology and management; development of virus-resistant fruit crops by genetic engineering
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology
- Research Interests: Grape Disease Ecology & Epidemiology, oomycete biology, epidemiology, and control; data science; digital agriculture; vegetative spectroscopy; proximal and remote sensing.
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology
- Research Interests: Potato pathology, plant pathology, plant disease management, plant-pathogen interactions.
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: elucidation of the molecular basis of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and phosphate transport in plants
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: systematics and ecology of pathogenic and symbiotic fungi, especially those that are pathogens of insects; director of the Cornell Plant Pathology Herbarium
- Campus: Geneva
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: Biological control, controlled environment agriculture, bacterial diseases, plant pathology, disease management, plant-microbe interactions
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: genetics of temperature responses in plants; regulation of plant defense responses
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: How fungi interact with the environment Nutrient sensing in filamentous fungi High-throughput functional genomics
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: Genetics of host disease resistance; Genetic improvement of disease resistance; Pathogen population genetics; International Agriculture; Current research focus is fungal (apple scab) and bacterial (fire blight) diseases and pathogens of apples
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology
- Research Interests: identification of virulence-associated features in plant pathogenic bacteria, including Pseudomonas Syringae pathovars and Ca. species through analysis of their genome sequences
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: genetics of quantitative disease resistance; international agriculture; current focus on two diseases of maize that are important both in the United States and in Africa: northern corn leaf blight and gray leaf spot
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: biology and evolution of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (phylum Glomeromycota)
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: structure, function and dynamics of the plant cell wall and apoplast during development and plant-pathogen interactions; coupling biochemistry with newly developed approaches involving genomics and proteomics; tomato issued as a model system to study wall and apoplastic dynamics in ripening fruits and in vegetative tissues in response to microbial challenge
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: biology and management of vegetable diseases; host-pathogen interactions
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: Computational methods for analyzing large datasets from high-throughput biological experiments
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: Bacterial phytopathogen biology and functional genomics
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: fungal and oomycete biology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: genetics and molecular biology of fungal pathogens
- Campus: Ithaca
- Concentrations: Plant Pathology: plant pathology; plant-microbe biology
- Research Interests: molecular basis of plant-nematode interactions; host resistance to the potato cyst nematodes