Architectural Science M.S. (Ithaca)

Field of Study


Program Description

This program is not currently accepting applications.

Architectural science (M.S.). Students with an undergraduate degree in architecture, architectural engineering, engineering, or computer science are likely candidates for the graduate program in architectural science. Program objectives are (1) to afford an opportunity for students of architecture to expand their creative design potential by increasing their knowledge and understanding of environmental science and building technologies and (2) to provide a framework within which students who have graduated from other technical disciplines may explore computer science, computer graphics, and computer-aided design methods. Students enrolling for studies in computer graphics use the facilities of the interdisciplinary Program of Computer Graphics.

Ordinarily four terms of residence are required to complete the program of study, depending on the student's background and experience.

Contact Information


Concentrations by Subject

  • building technology and environmental science (minor)
  • computer graphics


Application Requirements and Deadlines

Application Deadlines:

This program is not currently accepting applications.

Requirements Summary:

This program is not currently accepting applications.

Learning Outcomes

There are five primary learning outcomes, or goals, for students completing the Architectural Science M.S. with a concentration in computer graphics.
  1. Demonstrate understanding of basic scientific and technical knowledge in the domain of computer graphics (disciplinary knowledge, information literacy).
  2. Identify and articulate a specific topic within the domain of computer graphics appropriate for the development of an original master's level thesis (critical thinking, communication skills and self-directed learning).
  3. Develop specific skills and understanding having direct bearing on the identified thesis topic (critical thinking, communication skills and self-directed learning).
  4. Identify and evaluate relevant previous published work relevant to a specific topic in the domain of computer graphics (literature search, resulting in disciplinary knowledge and information literacy).
  5. Demonstrate the ability to produce research of sufficient quality to be presentable at peer-reviewed conferences, or publishable in appropriate peer-reviewed publications (engagement in the process of discovery or creation; communication skills, self-directed learning).
To assess the first three goals, evidence is collected through graduate level elective coursework and thesis preparation. The third goal, having to do with developing skills for the thesis topic, is also developed and evaluated through the thesis itself. The fourth goal—primarily a literature search -- is accomplished during the thesis preparation phases; and the fifth goal—the production of research -- is accomplished and evaluated on the basis of the thesis itself.