Biomedical Engineering M.Eng. (Ithaca)

Field of Study

Biomedical Engineering [M.Eng. administered by College of Engineering]

Program Description

The field focuses on both the molecular and macroscopic aspects of biomedical engineering and comprises five research areas: biomedical instrumentation; drug delivery, design and metabolism; biomaterials; computational and systems biology; and medical biomechanics. Facilities commonly used include the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility, the NSF STC in Nanobiotechnology, the Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS), the Cornell Theory Center, the Cornell Center for Advanced Technology in Biotechnology, and the programs in the Department of Biomechanics and Biomaterials at the Hospital for Special Surgery, the Orthopedic Affiliate of the Cornell Medical College.

It is anticipated that students entering into the field of Biomedical Engineering will have received formal training in a recognized sub-discipline of engineering. Students obtain thorough training in biomedical engineering research. They also master the Ph.D. course work for a minor in a traditional engineering discipline and another minor in an area of the life sciences. Formal course work in the major includes a two-semester course in the Foundations of Biomedical Engineering, advanced BME analysis of biological systems, at least one other advanced course in bioengineering, and required seminars. Further, PhD students are expected to complete a six week immersion experience in medical research and clinical practice at Weill Medical College, as well as completing a graduate student teaching experience. M.S. students complete the Foundations in Biomedical Engineering course, two semesters of seminars, and typically four to five additional courses in engineering and the life sciences. These requirements are subject to revision.

Students are supervised by a core of faculty members who represent twelve departments in the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Engineering, Human Ecology, Veterinary Medicine, and the Weill Medical College. Currently biomedical engineering is a program, but a process to form a distinct department is underway.

Contact Information

Phone: 607 255-2573

109 Weill Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY  14853

Concentrations by Subject

  • biomedical engineering


The Bursar's office updates the tuition rate for M.Eng. degrees each academic year. M.Eng. degrees are considered Tier 1.

Application Requirements and Deadlines

Application Deadlines:

Regular Application Deadlines:

  • Fall admittance: rolling admission
  • Spring admittance: rolling admission

Early Admit Pathway Deadline (for Cornell Undergraduates only):

  • Spring Start Early Admit (apply for Fall semester M.Eng. admittance): November 1
  • Fall Start Early Admit (apply for Spring semester M.Eng. admittance): May 1

For more information, please visit the Early Admit Pathway webpage.

Requirements Summary:

Please visit the M.Eng. Admissions Page for general information about applying to an M.Eng. program.

  • Letters of recommendation: 2
  • Resume: required
  • Interview: select applicants may be asked to interview
  • GRE: not required
  • Prerequisites: One college-level Biology course

Learning Outcomes

  • Mastery and Application of Biomedical Engineering Knowledge
  • Problem Identification, Analysis, Solution and presentation of Results
  • Communication of Knowledge, including Data Analysis and Presentation of Results
  • Self-directed Learning and Professional Development