Engineering Management M.Eng. (Ithaca)

Field of Study

Civil and Environmental Engineering [M.Eng. administered by College of Engineering]

Program Description

The M.Eng. program in Engineering Management is geared towards engineers who want to stay in a technological environment, but advance to managerial roles. Through an in-depth, real-world group design project, and course content in management science, project management, decision and risk analysis, information technology, finance and accounting, and organizational behavior students gain the technical and managerial skills necessary to become effective engineering managers. They also learn managerial skills to help organize and supervise people from different cultures and backgrounds so as to maximize teamwork, creativity, and productivity, and to do so in an environment of global awareness and concern for ethical issues. Students learn to identify problems, formulate and analyze models to understand them, and interpret analysis results for managerial action. Further, they learn to navigate this process with a broad, global perspective that considers the full range of technical, economic, environmental, social and other consequences over an appropriate time horizon. While critically important to the success of engineering managers, many of these skills, the managerial and systems analysis abilities in particular, are not emphasized in traditional engineering curricula.

Contact Information

Phone: 607 255-3553

215A Hollister Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY  14853

Concentrations by Subject

  • engineering management


The Bursar's office updates the tuition rate for M.Eng. degrees each academic year. M.Eng. degrees are considered Tier 1.

Application Requirements and Deadlines

Application Deadlines:

Fall: February 1st

Requirements Summary:

  • Please review the requirements on the M.Eng. Programs Application Guide
  • Academic statement of purpose
  • Personal statement
  • Transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Technical writing sample: Submit a technical writing sample that demonstrates your ability to synthesize and communicate quantitative information. The writing sample should be no more than 5,000 words and can include figures. Acceptable documents include but are not limited to a technical analysis, project report, written review of technical material, an internal company report, white paper, published article, and projects/reports from a previous engineering course. The technical writing sample should have been written in the past 3 years. If you were a coauthor, provide an introductory paragraph that specifically highlights your role and contribution.

Learning Outcomes

  • Mastery and Application of Core Disciplinary Knowledge
  • Problem Formulation, Organization, and Planning of the Solution Process
  • Collaborative Problem Solving and Issue Resolution
  • Communication of Knowledge, Ideas and Decision Justification
  • Preparation for Self-directed Learning and Professional Development