Electrical and Computer Engineering M.Eng. (Ithaca)
Field of Study
Electrical and Computer Engineering [M.Eng. administered by College of Engineering]
Program Description
The Master of Engineering (Electrical) program is open to students who hold a baccalaureate (or equivalent) in engineering or science. It is intended primarily for those who plan to practice engineering directly. The M.Eng. program is a thirty-credit program requiring an engineering design project rather than a research thesis. Additional information is available from the M.Eng. office.
Contact Information
Website: http://www.ece.cornell.eduEmail: ece-phd@cornell.edu
Phone: 607 255-2792
223 Phillips Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-5401
Concentrations by Subject
- computer engineering
- electrical engineering
- electrical systems
- electrophysics
The Bursar's office updates the tuition rate for M.Eng. degrees each academic year. M.Eng. degrees are considered Tier 1.
Application Requirements and Deadlines
Application Deadlines:
Jan. 15 ; no Spring admission
Requirements Summary:
- Please review the requirements on the M.Eng. Programs Application Guide
- TOEFL minimum scores for the IBT Exam: Listening, 15; Writing, 20; Reading, 20; Speaking, 22
- two recommendations
- GRE scores are not required. Applications with GRE scores will not be given any additional consideration for admission
Learning Outcomes
Gain Advanced Technical Knowledge
Master Critical Professional Skills
Gain Project Design Experience