Electrical and Computer Engineering M.Eng. (Ithaca)

Field of Study

Electrical and Computer Engineering [M.Eng. administered by College of Engineering]

Program Description

The Master of Engineering (Electrical) program is open to students who hold a baccalaureate (or equivalent) in engineering or science. It is intended primarily for those who plan to practice engineering directly. The M.Eng. program is a thirty-credit program requiring an engineering design project rather than a research thesis. Additional information is available from the M.Eng. office.

Contact Information

Website: http://www.ece.cornell.edu
Email: ece-phd@cornell.edu
Phone: 607 255-2792

223 Phillips Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-5401

Concentrations by Subject

  • computer engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • electrical systems
  • electrophysics


The Bursar's office updates the tuition rate for M.Eng. degrees each academic year. M.Eng. degrees are considered Tier 1.

Application Requirements and Deadlines

Application Deadlines:

Jan. 15 ; no Spring admission

Requirements Summary:

  • Please review the requirements on the M.Eng. Programs Application Guide
  • TOEFL minimum scores for the IBT Exam: Listening, 15; Writing, 20; Reading, 20; Speaking, 22
  • two recommendations
  • GRE scores are not required. Applications with GRE scores will not be given any additional consideration for admission

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain Advanced Technical Knowledge
  • Master Critical Professional Skills
  • Gain Project Design Experience