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GPWomeN-PCCW Speaker Series: Procrastination: Understanding What Truly Gets In Your Way

October 3, 2019 @ 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

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In this interactive workshop, participants will learn:

  • The differences between motivation management and time management and the significant role that environment plays in both
  • How our mood is a significant factor in why we procrastinate
  • How to uncover their own “Personal Productivity Profile” in order to maximize productivity practices
  • The social and intellectual elements that lead us to procrastinate and key tools to move past these roadblocks

Leslie Josel, Cornell Class of ’85, an academic and life coach for students, is returning to her alma mater as an esteemed PCCW member to provide the graduate community with a talk about combatting procrastination. She is an award-winning entrepreneur, having founded Order Out of Chaos-an organization that was inspired by Leslie’s efforts to help her son after he was diagnosed with ADHD. She is also an author, creator of a planner to help students master time management skills, and an internationally acclaimed speaker on topics spanning from time management to addressing chronic disorganization and hoarding issues. Leslie has been named as one of the top ten time management experts in the world by Global Gurus, and speaks all over the country to help students of all ages and budding female entrepreneurs utilize their resources to best navigate the task-driven world in which they live. She continues to learn from her son and from her audiences, sharing her observations with readers of Family Circle Magazine and ADDitude Magazine.

Lunch available at 12:15 pm.


October 3, 2019
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm


Graduate Student Life
Focus Area
Navigate Academia
Transferable Skills
Balance & Resilience
Office of Graduate Student Life


401 Warren Hall
137 Reservoir Ave
Ithaca, NY 14853 United States
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