Reframing Your Research and Teaching: The Scholar as Producer
June 2, 2020 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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Humanities students and scholars – are you wondering how to refocus your skills? What skills are in demand in the workplace? How a job in industry, non-profits, governments and think tanks can be fulfilling and intellectually stimulating? Attend this skill building workshop!
Presented by Jon McKenzie
Professor of Practice, Department of English
Faculty Affiliate, Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research
Cornell University, 104 Klarman Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
jvm62@cornell.edu • labster8.net • podcast • PechaKucha • TEDx • In the news
Transmedia Knowledge for Liberal Arts and Community Engagement: A StudioLab Manifesto
This workshop helps scholars reframe their research and teaching experience for different people, including friends and family, community organizations, non-profit and business institutions, and the general public. Disciplinary methods and practices have analogues
across modern societies: analyzing materials, presenting information and methodologies, leading discussions, scheduling activities, assigning and evaluating work, giving feedback, connecting to larger conversations and missions—the scholar’s research and teaching
activities have much in common with those of producers: both oversee projects, coordinate collaboration, and
connect individuals to social institutions.
Learning to reframe your passions and skills and share them with others may entail reimagining your work and yourself—slightly or dramatically. As part of this reframing, the workshop initiates you on a path toward three things: 1) a professional portfolio
of work, 2) a collection of stories and experiences, and 3) a plan of action.
To Register- we will send a Zoom link the day prior to the workshop.
For more events, please visit gradcareers.cornell.edu.
Accessibility Requests
We strive to make our events accessible to all community members. Individuals who would like to request accessibility accommodations should contact gradcareers@cornell.edu. We ask that requests be made at least one week in advance to help ensure they can be met.