Industrial and Labor Relations M.S. (Ithaca)

Field of Study

Industrial and Labor Relations [M.I.L.R./M.B.A. administered by the Johnson School]

Program Description

The MS program with a concentration in Labor Research and Policy is a two-year master's degree program that prepares students for careers in U.S. and global labor, policy, and non-governmental organizations. MS students work closely with ILR faculty to develop research skills critical for analyzing challenges and their solutions in today's world of work.

Contact Information

Phone: 607 255-1522

218 Ives Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY  14853

Concentrations by Subject

  • human resource studies (Ph.D. only)
  • international and comparative labor (Ph.D. only)
  • labor economics (Ph.D. only) (minor)
  • labor relations, law, and history (Ph.D. only)
  • labor, research, and policy (M.S. only)
  • organizational behavior (Ph.D. only)
  • statistics and data science (Ph.D. only) (minor)


Visit the Graduate School’s Tuition Rates page.

Application Requirements and Deadlines

Application Deadlines:

Fall: December 15

Requirements Summary:

Learning Outcomes

  • Developing in-depth knowledge of the academic literature on organizations and work relations in order to make original and substantial scholarly contributions to the field
  • Mastering research methodologies and analytic skills required for the collection of data, analysis of those data and interpretation of findings
  • Gaining an understanding of the processes involved in publishing original research in peer-reviewed journals and other scholarly outlets (including tacit knowledge about choosing the right outlet, responding to editors and reviewers, and disseminating publications)
  • Developing presentational skills for both professional conferences and teaching - two venues that may require different sorts of skills