Industrial and Labor Relations Ph.D. (Ithaca)

Field of Study

Industrial and Labor Relations [M.I.L.R./M.B.A. administered by the Johnson School]

Program Description

Our MS/PhD program is a full-time residential program based on our Ithaca campus and is designed to train future professors who will do academic research and teach at research universities.

The program typically takes 5 years to complete. The first two years are devoted to graduate-level coursework on campus and completion of a research-based master's thesis. Students confer their MS degree, take the Admission to Candidacy (A Exam), and then move into the PhD portion of the program. The remaining time is typically devoted to dissertation research, but students can also take courses throughout their program.

Students specialize in one of four areas: human resource studies; international and comparative labor; labor relations, law and history; or organization behavior. They also minor in any of the above areas, as well as in statistics and data science.

Contact Information

Phone: 607 255-1522

218 Ives Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY  14853

Concentrations by Subject

  • human resource studies (Ph.D. only)
  • international and comparative labor (Ph.D. only)
  • labor economics (Ph.D. only) (minor)
  • labor relations, law, and history (Ph.D. only)
  • labor, research, and policy (M.S. only)
  • organizational behavior (Ph.D. only)
  • statistics and data science (Ph.D. only) (minor)


Visit the Graduate School's Tuition Rates page.

Application Requirements and Deadlines

Application Deadlines:

December 15 for application and supporting documents

Requirements Summary:

Learning Outcomes

  • Developing in-depth knowledge of the academic literature on organizations and work relations in order to make original and substantial scholarly contributions to the field

  • Mastering research methodologies and analytic skills required for the collection of data, analysis of those data, and interpretation of findings

  • Gaining an understanding of the processes involved in publishing original research in peer-reviewed journals and other scholarly outlets (including tacit knowledge about choosing the right outlet, responding to editors and reviewers, and disseminating publications)

  • Developing presentational skills for both professional conferences and teaching - two venues that may require different sorts of skills