Real Estate M.P.S.( R.E.) (Ithaca)

Field of Study

Real Estate [M.P.S.-R.E. administered by the Johnson School]

Program Description

The two-year Master of Professional Studies in Real Estate (M.P.S./R.E.) degree program is an interdisciplinary program that combines courses from nearly every college at Cornell. The degree is designed for aspiring real estate professionals who are in the early stages of their careers.

The Field of Real Estate is a committee of faculty members selected from several different colleges that is directly involved in and responsible for the design, delivery, and administration of the real estate curriculum. The professional study of real estate is concerned with the finance, exchange, development, management, marketing, and many other aspects of the real estate business. Real estate professionals in the field bring an understanding of the long-range economic, social, political, ethical, legal, and environmental implications of decisions about real estate.

The sixty-two credits of course work needed to earn the degree provide a comprehensive and lasting foundation for a professional career in real estate. Students take core courses in principles of real estate, the real estate development process, real estate finance and investments, managerial finance, residential development, real estate law, construction planning and operations, design in real estate development and real estate marketing and management, along with a weekly industry seminar. Elective courses are taken in a chosen area of concentration, and there is a leadership and management distribution requirement. Many concentration options are possible and may be structured from the hundreds of related courses taught at Cornell University (e.g., development, finance, investments, real estate consulting, sustainable development, property and asset management, real estate marketing and market analysis, or international real estate concentrations). Students complete real-world, semester-long project workshops during their second and final semesters.

Contact Information

Phone: 607 254-4228

489 Statler
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY  14853

Concentrations by Subject

  • real estate


Visit the University Bursar Tuition Rates and Fees page. The MPS program is a Tier 1 Master’s Degree.

Application Requirements and Deadlines

Application Deadlines:

Round one (Application fee waived): December 1*
Round two: January 15
Round three: March 1
Round four: April 15
No spring admission

Requirements Summary:

Applicants must have earned a bachelor's degree with a good academic record. Applicants are required to submit a resume and two letters of recommendation from those familiar with the applicant's academic and professional work.

Learning Outcomes

Baker Program graduates will have the ability to be forward thinking professionals in the real estate industry around the world

  • Baker Program graduates will possess the business knowledge along with the technical and analytical expertise to solve problems encountered by senior industry agents now and into the future

Baker Program graduates will acquire the competencies to effectively lead global real estate organizations

  • Baker Program graduates will create professional-quality written business documents from senior management perspectives; will plan and deliver professional-quality oral presentations; and will demonstrate effective behavior within diverse team environments

Baker Program graduates will develop insights and strategies need to be respectful participants in international organizations

  • Baker Program graduates will analyze the various dimensions of international real estate decisions and determine courses of action based on the consequences to the firms and to the public

Baker Program graduates will demonstrate acquired knowledge and in-depth expertise in their chosen area of real estate specialization

  • Baker Program graduates will demonstrate customized expertise in their selected areas of real estate specialization