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Colman Leadership Program for PhDs

June 11, 2019 @ 7:00 am - June 14, 2019 @ 7:00 pm

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Invitation to Apply to the Colman Leadership Program for PhD Students

The Colman Leadership Program seeks to enroll 20-24 students every January and June for an intensive four-day immersion program focused on providing PhD* students with skills and knowledge that will support their development as leaders in graduate school and beyond.

The program has the capacity to serve a broader base of students. Consequently, consideration will be given to applications from PhD* students from all graduate fields and backgrounds (domestic and international). However, Graduate School Deans Scholars with the following fellowships and affiliations will receive priority consideration for enrollment in the program:

  • Cornell Colman Fellowship
  • Cornell Sloan Fellowship
  • Cornell GEM Fellowship
  • Deans Excellence Fellowship
  • SUNY Diversity Fellowship
  • McNair Graduate Fellowship
  • Mellon Mays Graduate Fellowship
  • Cornell IMSD Fellowship
  • Cornell GEM PhD Fellowship
  • Provost Diversity Fellowship
  • Bouchet Honor Society

(*MFA students are also invited to apply, given that the MFA is a terminal degree and the degree commonly held by some faculty in fields granting this degree.)


June 11, 2019 @ 7:00 am
June 14, 2019 @ 7:00 pm


Diversity and Inclusion