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Dean’s Scholars Summer Engagement Series

July 28, 2020 @ 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

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The Graduate School Office of Inclusion and Student Engagement and Diversity Programs in Engineering invite you to join us for the July 28th session of the Dean’s Scholars Summer Engagement Series!

This four-part series, serves as an early opportunity for incoming Dean’s Scholars to engage with continuing Dean’s Scholars as one means to helping establish a sense of community and belonging at Cornell. Featured in each session is an invited Dean’s Scholar alumni speaker.

Our alumni speakers will share insights with you on how they were able to establish community, navigate their progression through their graduate studies, work through moments of uncertainty, remain motivated, and find a sense of purpose.

Our featured speaker for our July 28 session is Carrie Freshour, ‘13 MA, ’18 Ph.D. Development Sociology.

About our Speaker

Dr. Carrie Freshour is a Southerner and an Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Washington. She earned her BA in History, Technology and Society from Georgia Institute of Technology and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Development Sociology from Cornell University where she was a Graduate School Dean’s Scholar. Her work focuses on low-wage food and agricultural labor in the U.S. South, race and immigration, carceral geographies, and the Black radical tradition. She is currently writing a book based on her ethnography of a large poultry processing plant in Northeast Georgia. This work examines not just in sociospatial practices and relations at the plant, but in how gendered racialized forms of labor discipline extend to broader geographies. She traces how spatial and temporal forms of labor discipline intertwine with larger scale processes – for example state- and national-level anti-immigrant policy and the social/spatial control enacted by policing and prison systems. Freshour teaches courses on the geography of food and eating, critical qualitative methods, and racial capitalism. Her research is deeply intertwined with struggles and movements outside the academy around labor and prison abolition. Dr. Freshour was inducted in the Cornell Chapter of the Bouchet Graduate Honor Society. 


We strive to make our events accessible to all community members.  Individuals who would like to request accessibility accommodations should provide these details in the registration form and contact al546@cornell.edu.  We ask that requests be made at least one week in advance to help ensure they can be met.


July 28, 2020
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm


Diversity & Inclusion
Transferable Skills
Community Engagement
Graduate School, Graduate Office of Inclusion and Student Engagement

