PPR Category: Finance & Funding
Vacation Time for Assistantships
Summary Graduate students appointed on any combination of full assistantships or fellowships for spring, summer, and fall terms are entitled to two weeks (10 weekdays) of annual vacation each 12-month…
Summary All registered students are charged tuition during each semester of the academic year. Tuition varies with field and degree program. University assistantships and fellowships generally include tuition. If…
Summary All fellowship and assistantship stipends graduate students receive from Cornell are considered taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and by New York state. Generally, fellowships do not…
Summary Stipends are payments made to students to help offset expenses such as housing, room, board, and supplies. Fellowship stipends are paid through the bursar system and appear as refunds…
Conference and Research Travel Grants
Summary The Graduate School provides grants to all graduate students who are invited to present papers or posters at professional conferences. Recipients must be enrolled (full-time or in absentia) in…
Advocacy Services
Summary Please see the Code of Legislation of the Graduate Faculty for specific grievance procedures if informal attempts at resolving an issue have not been successful. In sum, the grievance procedure…
Summary Full-time Ph.D. and research master’s students may be awarded financial support in the form of an assistantship. These fall into four general categories: teaching assistant (TA), research assistant (RA),…
Code of Legislation
The Graduate School’s Code of Legislation (Code) sets forth the rules governing graduate education as overseen by the General Committee of the Graduate Faculty of Cornell University. The General Committee includes two…
Student-Parent Dependent Care Grant (Formerly Student Child Care Grant)
Summary In 2004, Cornell University became one of the first universities in the nation to offer a child care grant program for student-parents. The objective of this program had been…
Summary Cornell currently participates in two federally funded programs: the William D. Ford Direct Loan and the Federal Graduate PLUS loan. These programs are available to U.S. citizens and permanent…