Student-Parent Dependent Care Grant (Formerly Student Child Care Grant)

Graduate School Code of Legislation PDF Document


In 2004, Cornell University became one of the first universities in the nation to offer a child care grant program for student-parents. The objective of this program had been to provide financial assistance to as many Cornell students with child care expenses as possible. In 2015, Cornell made a significant investment in our student-parent community by contributing $250,000 to be awarded annually as Student Child Care Grantsanother $100,000 was added in 2017. Cornell’s funding for the Student-Parent Dependent Care Grant Program is currently $350,000. 

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Students with Families Advisory Committee recommended that the goal of the 2020-21 Cornell Student-Parent Dependent Care Grant be to provide greater access to intentionally support more student-parents and provide financial support that allows student-parents more flexibility and autonomy to determine how best to use the funds to support their child(ren) and individual situation.

The Dean of Students Office administers this program with assistance from the Students with Families Advisory Committee, which includes student-parents and staff members. 

What is the child care grant?

Student-parents can receive a taxable grant based on the dollar amount of grant funds available and their ability to meet eligibility requirements. As noted below, eligibility looks at the student’s academic status, household income, and the child’s age. After assessing the various eligibility requirements, some families will be eligible for partial grants, and others will be eligible for entire grants.

When are applications due?

Applications are accepted twice yearly. The academic year application is available in September. A spring semester application is available at the start of the Spring semester (for those not receiving award monies for the academic year). Because we prioritize offering the academic year Cornell Student-Parent Dependent Care Grant Program, the availability of the Summer Care Program will be determined by funds left over after the academic year program has concluded.

What is the child’s age range for eligibility?

Birth to high school graduation.

Who can apply?

Student-parents must meet eligibility criteria to receive an award. Please see application on the Students with Families website for complete listing.

Additional Information

The Student-Parent Dependent Care Grant Program is one of the many ways Cornell supports student-parents. (See the Students with Families website for a complete list of benefits that support student-families.)  

If you have questions or concerns about the current program or to make a recommendation about improvements to the program, please contact the Students with Families Advisory Committee Chair, Janna Lamey ( We welcome the feedback and opportunity to hear about your experience as a student-parent. 


Student-Parent Dependent Care Grant Program 
Students with Families Website
Students with Families Facebook


  • Greta Kenney, senior associate dean of students, Student Support and Advocacy Services,
  • Janna Lamey, associate dean and chair of the Students with Families Advisory Committee,