Conference and Research Travel Grants
Graduate School Code of Legislation PDF Document
The Graduate School provides grants to all graduate students who are invited to present papers or posters at professional conferences. Recipients must be enrolled (full-time or in absentia) in a graduate research degree (M.A./M.S., M.F.A., D.M.A., J.S.D. or Ph.D.) program through the Graduate School and be a registered student during the term in which the conference takes place. Students must be presenting a paper or poster at the conference for which funds are requested. Historically, all qualifying applications have been funded!
The Graduate School also awards grants for research-related travel in the United States and abroad. These grants are for travel that is directly related to dissertation research, not conference travel. Awards of up to $2,500 are offered, with priority given to post-A exam doctoral candidates who have not received a prior award. M.A. and M.S. students with compelling research proposal also frequently receive generous support.
A link to the online application form will be made available on the Forms page six weeks prior to each of the funding round deadlines of October 1, February 1, and April 1.