Safety Training

Graduate School Code of Legislation PDF Document


Health and safety considerations are paramount for students working in environments where there may be biological, fire, radiation, chemical, and laboratory safety considerations. Thus, Cornell offers safety training, much of which is required by federal, state, and/or university regulations, that students must complete prior to beginning research. Cornell’s Environment and Health Safety offers short courses on laboratory safety and other topics.  

Cornell also offers training on the use of human subjects, animals, and biohazardous agents in research. For example, Cornell offers training on research with human subjects, all of which must be reviewed and approved by Cornell’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) before research can begin, per federal regulations. Research with animals (live vertebrates) must also be reviewed and approved by Cornell’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before researchers order, acquire, or handle animals.

Before biohazardous agents can be used in research and teaching, Cornell’s Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) reviews and approves proposed activities using biohazardous materials.



Environmental Health and Safety