Shared Governance

Graduate School Code of Legislation PDF Document


Shared governance and student participation in university decisions are integral to Cornell’s structure.

Graduate and professional students are represented through elected members of Cornell’s Board of Trustees, the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, and the General Committee of the Graduate School. 

  • The Board of Trustees helps determine major policy directions and has an important role in safeguarding the integrity of the university. Trustees serve on numerous committees and task forces of the Board and as ex-officios of the Student and Employee Assemblies.
  • The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GPSA) serves as an official voice for the around 7,200 graduate and professional students at Cornell. GPSA is charged with the following:
    • Represent graduate and professional student concerns to the university administration.
    • Advocate for graduate and professional students on issues including student resources, health care, insurance, transportation, and housing.
    • Allocate funds to graduate and professional student groups and set the Student Activity Fee.
    • Provide support for graduate and professional student programming.
  • The General Committee is the administrative, legislative, and judicial board of the Graduate School and approves revisions to the Code of Legislation, approves appointments to the graduate faculty, and makes recommendations for new advanced degrees.



Janna Lamey, Associate Dean for Graduate Student Life,