
Graduate School Code of Legislation PDF Document


Stipends are payments made to students to help offset expenses such as housing, room, board, and supplies.

  • Fellowship stipends are paid through the bursar system and appear as refunds on student accounts in lump-sum payments near the beginning of the semester.
  • Fellowship stipends are typically taxable and, because taxes are not withheld, students should plan accordingly for filing taxes later. See the student Tax FAQ for more information. Historically, stipends increase annually in response to inflation and cost of living changes.
  • Assistantship stipends are paid through Cornell payroll system on a semi-monthly basis near the 1st and 15th of each month. Applicable taxes are withheld. Historically, stipends increase annually in response to inflation and cost of living changes.
  • Some programs offer summer stipends. When offered, these follow the same requirements as academic year awards.
  • See current minimum stipend rates for nine-month stipends. Summer stipends are additional.



Jason Kahabka
Associate Dean for Administration