Student Injuries

Graduate School Code of Legislation PDF Document


Fortunately, graduate/professional student injuries at Cornell are uncommon. Historically, less than 0.1% of Cornell graduate or professional students report an injury. Cornell’s robust network of support helps students who are injured—regardless of the circumstances—with academic, health, and financial issues.

Workers’ compensation coverage is available for funded graduate students injured while performing duties on behalf of Cornell (funded on assistantship, fellowship, or hourly wage).

Students who are injured when not participating in a university-related activity, or in a university-related activity but not funded and performing duties on behalf of Cornell, receive medical coverage through their health insurance plan. Out-of-pocket expenses for deductibles and co-pays generally will be the student’s responsibility.

What should you do if you are injured?

  • Seek medical attention.
  • As soon as you are able, file a university injury report (using the Injury/Illness/Exposure Reporting Form). (You may have someone else help you do this if needed.)
  • Cornell’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Department is the initial contact for when you submit a university injury report
  • If the injury is marked as work-related, a copy of the online injury report will trigger the workers’ compensation coverage review and submission process, which is coordinated by Medical Leaves Administration.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the associate dean for graduate student life who can offer support and help identify and engage resources across campus who can assist.

In Depth

Cornell actively supports a culture of safety for students, faculty, and staff, providing laboratory, health, and safety training and workshops, and supporting individuals when injuries or accidents occur. Fortunately, serious injuries are very uncommon.

Cornell is committed to getting students the appropriate support if they are injured. Our overall goal is to assist students through injury, recovery, and continued academic progress, including disability accommodations or health leave of absence when needed.

See full procedure.



Janna Lamey
Associate Dean for Graduate Student Life