Stipend Rates

Student and professor working in a lab

2024-25 Graduate Student Assistantship and Fellowship Stipend Rates

Effective August 21, 2024

2024-25 Graduate Student Assistantship and Fellowship Stipend Rates
Appointment TypeMinimum Standard 9-Month StipendSummer Stipend ¹12-Month Stipend
TA (Teaching Assistant)$33,930$11,310$45,240
GA (Graduate Assistant)$33,930$11,310$45,240
RA (Research Assistant)$33,930$11,310$45,240
GRA (Graduate Research Assistant)$33,930$11,310$45,240
University Fellowship$33,930$7,148$41,078

2024-25 Cornell Tech Graduate Student Stipend Rates

Effective August 21, 2024

Funded students located at the Cornell Tech campus generally receive a higher stipend linked to cost of living in the NYC area.

2024-25 Cornell Tech Graduate Student Stipend Rates
Appointment TypeMinimum Standard 9-Month StipendSummer Stipend ¹12-Month Stipend
TA (Teaching Assistant)$42,073$14,071$56,144
GA (Graduate Assistant)$42,073$14,071$56,144
RA (Research Assistant)$42,073$14,071$56,144
GRA (Graduate Research Assistant)$42,073$14,071$56,144
University Fellowship$42,073$14,071$56,144

[1] Weekly hours spent on summer appointments must comply with University Policy 1.3, and stipend rates must meet the Board of Trustees’ mandated minimum (nine-month) stipend rate, prorated for the number of weeks of the summer appointment. The length of the summer appointment (number of weeks) is determined by the principal investigator, department, unit, college, or other source of funding. $11,310 for a 13-week term assistantship or appropriately prorated.

[2] The maximum academic-year stipend amount that a graduate student may receive when any portion of the stipend comes from any funds held at Cornell (university accounts, college accounts, department accounts, unit accounts, or principal investigator-sponsored funds) is $52,026. The increase may be from the same funding source as the basic stipend (an “adjustment”) or from a different source (a “supplement”). The limit applies to support from any combination of fellowships or assistantships when part of the stipend is paid from funds held at Cornell. There is no restriction on summer stipends and fellowships.

Standard Graduate Appointment Hours

Standard Graduate Appointment Hours
Appointment TypeAverage Hours/Week for Standard AppointmentMaximum Additional Hours Per Week Permitted
TA (Teaching Assistant)155
GA (Graduate Assistant)155
RA (Research Assistant)155
GRA (Graduate Research Assistant)A student's time spent on research connected with the project is expected to be significant.8
University FellowshipN/A8

Prorated Stipends for Non-Standard Appointments

Minimum stipend rates for non-standard appointments classified as graduate assistantships (TA, GA, RA, or GRA) must be proportional to the board-approved stipend. Examples are provided in the table below.

Partial assistantships must include tuition proportional to the stipend. That is, if a student receives a partial TAship with 50% stipend for the semester, the hours must be limited to 7.5 or less per week and he or she must receive 50% tuition for that semester in addition to the stipend. Awards that do not provide tuition and stipend in amounts proportional to the hours expected of a regular assistant are not assistantships and should not be portrayed as such.

Examples – Adjusted Stipend Rates for Non-Standard Appointments
2024-25 Adjusted Stipend Rates for Non-standard Appointments
Duration15 hours/week
7.5 hours20 hours
One Semester$16,965.00$8,482.50$22,620.00
One Month$3,770.00$1,885.00$5,026.67
Summer (three months)$11,310.00$5,655.00$15,080.00
Full Year (12 months)$45,240.00$22,620.00N/A

Assistantships for Professional Degree Students

Students who are enrolled in professional degree programs are generally ineligible for assistantships outside of their graduate field of study, unless the director of graduate studies for the student’s program requests an exception based on the student gaining experience directly supporting the student’s ability to teach the subject matter of the profession. Requests for exceptions must be approved in advance by both the dean of the Graduate School and the dean of the college in which the professional degree program is housed. The college that administers the professional degree in which the student is enrolled is responsible for payment of the full tuition. Professional degree students may be appointed as graduate teaching/research specialists (GTRS) (see below). They may not accept an assistantship without:

  1. A signed letter from the director of graduate studies for the student’s program requesting an exception based on the student gaining experience directly supporting the student’s ability to teach the subject matter of the profession.
  2. A signed letter from the student’s college dean or dean’s designate indicating that the college will apply a tuition credit of at least $14,750 per semester.
  3. A signed letter from the Graduate School Dean or Associate Dean of Administration, approving the assistantship appointment.

Graduate Teaching/Research Specialists 

Students in the professional degree programs may be appointed as graduate teaching/research specialists (GTRS). The GTRS is not an assistantship; GTRSs receive a stipend in proportion to the percent time of their appointment as compared to a full-time graduate assistantship but not tuition and health insurance. Hours are limited to no more than 10 per week. Before a program may begin using the GTRS title, approval must be given by the Graduate School.