Office of Graduate Student Life

Moving students toward life success
Students, faculty, and campus partners can contact Janna Lamey, associate dean for graduate student life, or Olivia Hopewell, graduate student life advisor, for any of the following reasons:
Janna Lamey, associate dean for graduate student life Resources for academic support
- Assistance in navigating the educational program
- Referrals to campus services
- Support for personal development
- Other concerns that are impacting student ability to succeed
Janna Lamey Contact Information:
- 607-255-5184 (direct line)

Book a Meeting with Janna:
Olivia Hopewell Contact Information:
- 607-255-3935 (direct line)
Book a Meeting with Olivia:
Mission for the Office of Graduate Student Life
The Cornell University Graduate School is committed to the importance of student health and well-being as a foundation for academic and life success. In recognition that health and academic performance are intimately linked, the Office of Student Life at the Graduate School is a source of support and advocacy for Cornell graduate and professional students. The Office of Graduate Student Life serves as a coordinating hub of services that facilitate the student life experience at Cornell. In collaboration with partners at Cornell and beyond, the Office of Graduate Student Life promotes a culture that supports healthy and holistic student experiences. The Office of Graduate Student Life values continued personal development for future success, and offers comprehensive student life programming that fosters the development of life skills. As a result of our efforts, we promote successful, healthy graduates who become future leaders in society.
Office of Graduate Student Life Goals
Our mission is achieved through the following goals:
- To engage actively in determining and championing the needs of our graduate and professional student community
- To foster development of a healthy student life experience using a holistic and preventative approach
- To work collaboratively with other units on campus that provide support and resources for graduate and professional students
- To support the personal development of graduate and professional students through individual meetings and consultations
- To serve as the point-contact and liaison for student personal crisis issues
Student, Faculty, and Staff Engagement with the Office of Graduate Student Life
The Office of Graduate Student Life serves the community in many different capacities. Below are examples of how graduate students, faculty, and staff work with the Office to accomplish our mission:
- Discuss student concerns, available resources and services, and options available to handle difficult academic and personal situations
- Identify and make suggestions on how infrastructure and services can be improved for graduate and professional students
- Provide additional academic support and assistance in navigating the graduate program
- Work collaboratively on programming opportunities that enhance the student life experience