End of the Semester Graduate Student and Postdoc Mental Health Support

Students take in a fall sunset on Libe Slope.

Given that the end of the fall academic semester can typically be a stressful time, the Office of Student Life is hosting a series of opportunities that allow us to focus on individual mental health and well-being needs. With the support of campus partners, below is a listing of sessions that our community is welcomed to participate in. Even if you just attend one session, we hope that this will provide you with information, encouragement, and community affirming the need that you deserve to support your health and well-being. Please reach out to Olivia Hopewell (ho256@cornell.edu) if you have any questions or concerns.

Workshops and Sessions

Graduate School Walking Break and Lunch!

Wednesday, November 13 at 12 p.m. and Thursday, November 14 at 12 p.m.

Being out in nature, moving your body, eating good food, and being in community with others is worthy and a fantastic way to “do” what is required to take care of yourself. Come as you are to join the Office of Graduate Student Life to explore campus, and end with a free lunch. Meet our student life team at the Big Red Barn Graduate and Professional Student Center to leave from there. 

Facilitators: Janna Lamey, associate dean for student life, and Olivia Hopewell, Ph.D., graduate student life advisor

Supportive Connection During Stressful Times

Thursday, November 14 at 10 a.m. and Friday, November 15 at 9 a.m.

Attend Supportive Connection During Stressful Times on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 974 5380 1425
Passcode: 723570

This protected time is an opportunity for our graduate and professional student and postdoc community to come together in community during what may be a stressful time. During this session, we will focus on your experiences, brainstorm options that can support your well-being, and identify important strategies and helpful resources. While this is not a counseling session, Travis Winter from Cornell Health will facilitate this gathering. Join us in community.

Facilitator: Travis Winter, LCSW-R

Guided Meditation

Monday, November 18 from 4 – 4:30 p.m. at the Big Red Barn or virtually on Zoom

A trained facilitator will lead participants through meditation exercises designed to focus on the breath and quiet the mind. Participants typically sit quietly with their eyes closed throughout the session. Meditation has been shown to reduce stress and foster increased well-being – mentally, physically, cognitively, and emotionally.

Facilitator: Cory Myler, Ph.D.

Back to Basics: Self-Care 101 Refresher for Graduate Students

Wednesday, November 20 from 1 – 2 p.m.

Meeting ID: 974 5380 1425
Passcode: 723570

Self-care is foundational to managing stress and overall wellness. We invite you to make yourself a priority, emphasizing current research along with strategies and quick tips to help you maintain or build your mental, physical, and emotional wellness. With a community of graduate and professional students and postdoctoral scholars, take time to focus on mindfulness, learn about the importance of sleep and ways to promote healthy sleep habits, and discover resources at Cornell and beyond that will support you in times of distress.

Presenters: Jennifer Fee, assistant director, and Emily Dunuwila, health initiatives coordinator, Skorton Center for Health Initiative

Resiliency for International Scholars

Thursday, November 21 from 10 – 11 a.m.

Meeting ID: 974 5380 1425
Passcode: 723570

The stressors associated with being an international scholar can leave you feeling uncertain and with questions. International students and postdocs will leave with best practices to prioritize your health and well-being, an understanding of the importance of community, and ways to strengthen your resiliency today. This session is open to all but will focus on the needs of our international community.

Presenters: Elizabeth Jonas, MSW, Cornell Health, and Leslie Whitcomb, international student inclusion specialist

The Importance of Meaning-Making During Uncertainty

Thursday, November 21 from 2 – 3 p.m.

Meeting ID: 974 5380 1425
Passcode: 723570

It is human nature to have deep questions of value and worth, which can be amplified at times when stressors are making an impact on you. During this session, we will consider our meaning and purpose while examining the interconnected nature of humanity. Join us to unearth strategies for how you can explore and regain a commitment back to you as a whole person.

Presenter: Joel Harter, Ph.D., associate dean of students and director of the Office of Spirituality and Meaning-Making

CAPS Workshop – Mindfulness and Meditation for Anxiety

Thursday, November 21 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Regular mindfulness practice and mindful meditation has been proven to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression while improving attention, clarity, concentration, and calm. Instead of being on “autopilot,” the skill of mindfulness is characterized by openness, attentiveness, and receptivity. This workshop will give you a taste of both mindfulness and meditation practice.

Facilitator: Joy Mushabac, LCSW-R 

In-Person Supportive Connection During Stressful Times (with Lunch Provided!)

Monday, November 25 from 12 – 12:45 p.m. in 341 Caldwell Hall

This protected time is an opportunity for our graduate and professional student and postdoc community to come together in community during what may be a stressful time. During this session, we will focus on your experiences, brainstorm options that can support your well-being, and identify important strategies and helpful resources. While this is not a counseling session, Travis Winter from Cornell Health will facilitate this gathering. Join us in community and enjoy lunch on us. Space is limited so please sign up in advance.

Facilitator: Travis Winter, LCSW-R

CAPS Workshop – Go Easy on Yourself to Get Hard Things Done: A Workshop on Self-Compassion

Tuesday, December 3 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

In this workshop, we will discuss why we are self-critical, why that approach often backfires, and how to be kinder and more compassionate with ourselves in order to do better and feel better.

Facilitator: Sheila Singh, Ph.D. 

CAPS Workshop – Unraveling Anxiety: A Roadmap to Resilience and Well-being

Wednesday, December 4 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Learn about the roots of anxiety and unlock your full potential. This workshop provides a safe, bias-free environment where students can explore neurobiology insights and concentrate on real-world interventions. Join us for engaging discussions, interactive exercises, and collaborative activities that delve into anxiety’s roots. From mindfulness techniques to evidence-based interventions, you’ll develop concrete skills to manage anxiety’s impact effectively.

Facilitator: Lex Enrico Santí, LCSW

Individual Consultations

If you would like individual support, please consider the following: 

Dean of Students – Student Support and Advocacy Services

Student Support and Advocacy Services is available to support students who may be experiencing distress or other impacts related to political activity. Here’s what you need to know:

Office of Student Life – Graduate School

The Office of Student Life takes a holistic, student-centered approach to support the unique needs of each graduate student. Here’s what you need to know:

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

Students can consult informally with a CAPS counselor during “Let’s Talk” drop-in hours, offered Monday-Friday at various campus locations and online. Students who feel they could benefit from additional support can schedule a “CAPS Access Appointment” to be connected with individual counseling and other support services.

Faculty & Staff Assistance Program (For Postdocs)

Faculty & Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) provides professional counseling and support tailored to meet the unique needs of Cornell employees.