Speaker Series to Continue in 2019-2020

By Katya Hrichak
Following a successful fall lineup, the Graduate and Professional Women’s Network (GPWomeN) has received a $10,000 President’s Council of Cornell Women (PCCW) Leadership Grant to continue their speaker series.
Over the past three years, the GPWomeN-PCCW Speaker Series has sought to bring alumnae to campus to share wisdom with current graduate and professional students. Since the series began, events have grown in popularity with Fall 2018 talks reaching record numbers of nearly 100 attendees per event.
“The programming is unique in that it allows female graduate students to hear perspectives of women both in and outside of academia and to learn about essential skills from women who have successfully built careers after their time at Cornell,” said Marika Nell, GPWomeN president and doctoral student in civil and environmental engineering. “It also allows graduate student leaders to directly interact with these incredibly supportive alumnae to gain additional insight and build relationships.”
The Spring 2019 speaker series will conclude with two final presentations: “Transition from Technical to Management Careers” with Yonn Rasmussen ’83, M.S. ’86, Ph.D. ’89 on April 18 and “Getting to Equal 2019: Creating a Culture That Drives Innovation” with Wendy Meyers Cambor ‘88 on April 22.
“Whether the speakers provide concrete tools and frameworks that you can use to build your career or simply a perspective of what your life can look like after Cornell, these talks can help students plan for and build successful careers,” Nell said.
To learn more or join GPWomeN, email BigRedGPWomeN@Gmail.com or like GPWomeN on Facebook.
Katya Hrichak is a communications assistant in the Graduate School.