NSF GRFP Fellowship

Cornell is proud to have over 200 current participants in the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) enrolled in our doctoral programs.  Cornell’s NSF GRFP Grant number for 2021-25 is DGE – 2139899. For 2016-21, Cornell’s NSF GRFP Grant number is DGE -1650441.

NSF policies can be found in their administrative guide. It is the responsibility of the fellow to review understand and comply with all policies, rules, and regulations contained in the Administrative Guide, and the terms and conditions found in the NSF GRFP Offer letter, the annual NSF GRFP Program Solicitation, and the NSF GRF Award Notice.

The NSF GRFP fellowship provides three years of fellowship stipend and two years of reserve status. All fellows must declare a fellowship status by the due date in the GRFP Online Module.

On Tenure Status

  • During On Tenure status, fellows must be enrolled and engaged in full-time research and will receive a fellowship stipend.  Fellows may use On Tenure status for three years in 12-month increments over the five-year period.  Summer is not considered a vacation period, students should be actively enrolled and engaged in full-time research.  Fellows are required to check with The Graduate School’s Fellowship Office regarding GRFP fellowship and paid activities. Additionally, fellows are limited to 8 hours of additional paid work if it does not interfere with full-time research.  Fellows on tenure may not hold teaching assistantships concurrently.
  • Fellowship stipend payment for fellows on tenure 2024 summer-start or fall-starts:
    • The current fellowship stipend rate is $37,000 per 12-month year
    • Stipends disburse approximately five days before the start of classes for the fall and spring terms
    • Stipends amounts are approximately $3,083 per month so disbursements are as follows:
      • Summer term (three months) – $9,250.  Some advisors may offer additional summer funding opportunities.
      • Academic year (nine months) – $27,750.  Additionally, the Graduate School will supplement the academic year stipend payment by $6,180. Fellows will receive a total stipend of $33,930 for the 2023-2024 academic year. The stipend is disbursed in two lump sums, half in the fall semester and half in the spring semester.

On Reserve Status

  •  During Reserve Status, fellows do not receive a stipend from NSF GRFP, students must be enrolled and engaged in full-time research.  On reserve status allows students to incorporate teaching assistantships and other paid positions of up to 20 hours a week into their professional development if it does not interfere with full-time research. Fellows may use Reserve Status for two years, in 12-month increments, during the five-year Fellowship Period

Additional Information

  • The administrative guide provides information on all NSF GRFP status options along with in-depth explanations regarding the rules and regulations.  Each fellow is responsible for understanding and abiding by the National Science Foundation
    Graduate Research Fellowship Program Administrative Guide and relevant university policies.
  • GRFP Fellowships cannot be concurrently accepted or combined with support from another individual federal graduate fellowship.
  • Cornell NSF GRFP fellows must complete the Full RCR training within 60 days of the activation of their fellowship regardless of their status. The training required covers a number of RCR-related topics, and is called “Full Course” in RCR. A passing grade is 80% or higher. If an individual does not complete the training by the deadline, they may not be paid as a NSF GRFP fellow. To take the Full Course on RCR, please click here.
  • Fellows must remain enrolled full-time and make satisfactory academic progress.  This means students need to meet their academic milestones on time and be engaged in full-time research. For doctoral students, this includes completion of the RCR, forming a special committee by the end of the third semester, and fully passing the A-exam by the start of the seventh semester.  Annually fellows must complete Student Progress Review (SPR) form annually and a rating of “satisfactory” or “excellent” is required.