Understanding Deadlines and Requirements
Major Steps
Understanding the steps and associated deadlines in the dissertation/thesis and degree conferral process is necessary to establish a successful plan and realistic timeframe. The major steps are:
- Complete draft dissertation
- Schedule exam
- Take exam
- Make revisions
- Submit final electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) to the Graduate School (final submission cannot be prior to your exam date)
Planning Timeline
The Code of Legislation requires students to submit a completed draft for committee review six weeks prior to scheduling the exam. Submission of the final thesis/dissertation must be within 60 days of completing the final exam. You may not submit your thesis or dissertation prior to completing your M or B exam. Enrollment in future semesters after the date a student passes their M or B exam is not permitted, even if the 60 day submission window falls within a subsequent semester.
December Conferral Deadlines
- Submit Draft to Committee: First week in October
- Schedule Exam: First week in November
- Take Exam: Mid November
- Complete Revisions: End of November
- Final Submission Deadline to the Graduate School: December 1
May Conferral Deadlines
- Submit Draft to Committee: First week in March
- Schedule Exam: First week in April
- Take Exam: Mid April
- Complete Revisions: End of April
- Final Submission Deadline to the Graduate School: May 1
August Conferral Deadlines
- Submit Draft to Committee: First week in June
- Schedule Exam: First week in July
- Take Exam: Mid July
- Complete Revisions: End of July
- Final Submission Deadline to the Graduate School: August 1
Use this checklist to guide your process.
- Complete your research.
- Learn about thesis and dissertation formatting guidelines.
- Develop a detailed outline for your approach to writing your dissertation or thesis.
- Write the body of text for the dissertation or thesis.
- Complete your draft thesis/dissertation six weeks prior to your final examination and submit to all members of your Special Committee.
- Schedule your final exam one week before your final examination date, and submit a final draft of your dissertation/thesis to each special committee member.
- Take your final exam (“B” exam), oral dissertation defense for Ph.D. candidates, or (“M” exam) an oral thesis defense for master’s candidates, six to eight weeks before conferral date.
- Make changes as specified by the special committee.
- Submit the final electronic version of dissertation or thesis (ETD) to Graduate School using ProQuest. See Thesis and Dissertation Submission Process for instructions.
- Attend commencement and celebrate!