Pathways to Success Symposium

Pathways to Success: A Professional Development Symposium for Graduate Students and PostdocsPathways to Success (P2S) is the Graduate School’s framework for helping graduate and professional students and postdoctoral scholars be successful in their research and scholarship, and establish the necessary skills for their future careers.

The annual Pathways to Success Symposium is a professional development opportunity focused on providing graduate and professional degree students and postdoctoral scholars with valuable career exploration and professional development learning and skill development opportunities. Participants may register for an individual session or all sessions offered within the symposium.

2024 Summer Pathways to Success Symposium

June 4, 2024
9:30 am – 4:30 pm

Registration now open!

Contact for questions:

Registration (9:30 – 10:00 am)

Coffee service available.

Welcome (10:00 – 10:15 am)

Opening Plenary Workshop (10:15 – 11:45 am)

Dr. Theoria Cason sittingLeadership Visioning

Speaker: Dr. Theoria Cason, CEO at Theoria in Praxis, and Director of Diversity & Inclusion at Ubisoft for Global Publishing

Session Summary

The characteristics of leadership are not exclusive to the most senior ranking persons within an organization; they are characteristics that any person can embody. Establishing a sentiment of safety, requires authenticity and vulnerability. This can be achieved by stepping outside of oneself to learn about the lived experiences of others. Through reflective dialogue, this session will provide you with strategies you can employ in the future in order to strategically navigate organizational culture as part of your leadership practice. Additionally, you will develop an action plan for continued learning in aspects of inclusive leadership.

About our Speaker: Dr. Theoria Cason is a renowned international speaker, transformational author, and consultant committed to empowering individuals to unleash their full potential in today’s global workforce. With over 12 years of experience spanning private, non-profit, and higher education sectors, she has impacted thousands with her expertise. As a leadership coach, and Cornell University Certified Diversity Professional, she specializes in elevating professional performance by guiding individuals through goal-oriented actions. This approach not only fosters personal growth but also empowers professionals to drive impactful change while fostering a culture of peace. A proud alumna of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, with a B.A. in Psychology; Western Illinois University, with a M.S. in College Student Personnel; and the University of Pittsburgh, where she earned her Doctorate of Education. Theoria is not only an accomplished professional but also a daughter, sister, friend, adventurer, and globetrotter. Her global perspective and wealth of experience make her a beacon of inspiration for individuals navigating the complexities of the modern workforce.

Networking Lunch (11:45 am – 12:30 pm)

Boxed lunches available along with free time to meet and talk to those of your choosing or take a quick break.

Panel Discussion (12:30 – 1:45 pm)

Faculty Who Failed – Lessons Learned for Moving Forward 

Session Summary

Graduate school is a time for students to push themselves, try new things, and explore. It’s also a time when students are likely to experience what feels like failure.  Join a panel of faculty members who will share their stories of how they “failed” and overcame setbacks in graduate school and beyond. Through personal anecdotes, panelists will share how resilience can carry you through the tough times in your degree program and come out of the experience stronger and better prepared for future challenges.

Moderators and Discussants
  • Kate Buckley, Director of Wellness, College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Travis Winter (LCSW-R), Counselor/Therapist, Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
  • Dr. Kathryn Boor, Vice Provost for Graduate Education, Dean of the Graduate School, and Professor of Food Science  
  • Dr. Chris Fromme, Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics and and Interim Associate Director of the Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Dr. Alexander Colvin, Kenneth F. Kahn Dean and Martin F. Scheinman Professor of Conflict Resolution at the ILR School

Alumni Keynote (2:00 – 3:00 pm)  

Close up picture of the face of Dr. Abram CoatseeFrom Books to Space – My Journey from an English Ph.D. to a Career at NASA 

Speaker: Dr. Abram Coetsee, Ph.D. ’22 (Literatures in English), Project Manager, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Session Summary

Many times, graduate students see their career options as defined by their research specialization, and feel the stress of limited job opportunities. In this talk, our alumni keynote speaker will analyze the ways that academic experiences can be leveraged for a wide horizon of careers across many industries. Skillsets earned through intellectual passion can be creatively applied to work beyond the university—often fulfilling our missions with more impact, and realizing a broader set of dreams.

About our Speaker: Dr. Abram Coetsee serves under NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP), as a Project Manager for the NASA Community Colleges Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) team, on contract via Guardians of Honor LLC. Before that, as a project and product manager he worked across tech, law and non-profits. As an educator, he served at the McIntire School of Commerce (UVA), Carey Business School (Johns Hopkins), Cornell and UC Berkeley. His public speaking experience includes TED, Facebook/Instagram at Cannes Lions, the Smithsonian Museum of Design – Cooper Hewitt, and elsewhere.

Roundtable Discussions (3:00 – 4:15 pm) 

Diverse Career Pathways in a University Ecosystem

Session Summary

Within the academy, a multitude of career pathways exist well beyond faculty roles on the tenure track. During these roundtable discussions, you will have the opportunity to engage in conversations led by staff with doctorates and other research degrees throughout Cornell University who significantly contribute to the vitality of the university, including technology and licensing, alumni affairs, publishing, student success, faculty development, and other key roles! You will also have the opportunity to learn about technology resources to connect you to additional alumni with graduate degrees willing to serve as career mentors.

Career Roundtables
  • Career Advising
    • Marjorie Mosereiff, M.A., Employer Relations and Career Services Manager, Office of Professional Programs and Extended Learning, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS)
    • Jessamyn Perlus, Ph.D., Senior Associate Director, Cornell Career Services
  • Teaching Development and Student Success
    • Florencia Ardon, Ph.D.,  Study Skills Lecturer and Neurodivergent Student Support Programs Manager, Learning Strategies Center
    • Celia Evans, Ph.D., Associate Director, Engineering Learning Initiatives
  • English Language and Writing Support
    • Michelle Crow, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer and Director of the English Language Support Office, John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines
  • International Education and Global Learning
  • Faculty Development and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
    • Stella Hein, Ph.D., CALS Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS)
    • Gabriela Vargas, Ph.D., Director of Faculty Engagement and Early Career Development Programs, Provost’s Office of Faculty Development and Diversity (OFDD)
  • Institutional Research and Planning and Technical Research Support
  • Student and Campus Life
    • Jennifer Fee, M.S., Assistant Director, Curriculum and Training Development, Skorton Center for Health Initiatives, Cornell Health
    • Cortney Johnson, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Students and Director of the LGBT Resource Center, Centers for Student Equity, Empowerment, and Belonging
  • Libraries, Museums, and Archives
    • Fredrika Loew, M.A., Collections Assistant and Processor, Rare and Manuscript Collections, Carl A. Kroch Library

Ice Cream Social (4:15 – 4:30 pm)

Session Summary

End your day with us by enjoying some of the best ice cream and sorbet in the world while engaging with peers, symposium organizers, and invited discussants!

Previous Symposia