Parking Options Expanded for Students on Assistantships

March 27, 2023
The options for graduate students who need to park on campus to carry out their responsibilities will be growing in the coming months. Beginning in June 2023, graduate students funded by assistantships—teaching assistants, graduate research assistants, research assistants, and graduate assistants—will be eligible to purchase the same permits as faculty and staff, offering new options for students who carry out research and teaching on campus.
Graduate students have recently advocated for more parking options through the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, voicing concerns that parking policies overlooked the need for many graduate assistants to be on campus regularly and in close proximity to the classrooms, labs, and offices, where they carry out research and teaching duties. In response to this feedback, the Transportation Office expanded permit options to allow students funded through assistantships to access permits that can enable them to park closer to central campus.
“While parking remains limited across campus, we believe that these expanded permit choices offered by the Transportation Office will enhance convenience for graduate assistants who perform a range of teaching and research functions on campus,” said Kathryn J. Boor, dean of the Graduate School and vice provost for graduate education. “This is one of several changes Cornell is working on to enhance the graduate student experience.”
Additional information is available on the Transportation website.
For additional information on eligibility, please review University Policy 1.3: Graduate Student Assistantships.