NextGen Professors Alumni
Alumni of this talented group of former graduate students and postdocs span the major subject areas of humanities, social sciences, life sciences, and physical sciences and engineering. Learn more about the program.
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2023-2024 Cohort
Ahmed Alahmed, PhD Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Abdullah AlShuaibi, PhD Candidate , Materials Science and Engineering
Beatriz Carmona, PhD Student, Nutritional Sciences
Hanyu Chen, Postdoctoral Scholar, Food Science
Sarah Daly, Postdoctoral Scholar, Food Sciences
Drea Darby, PhD Candidate, Entomology
David Esparza, PhD Candidate, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Daniel Ferman-Leon, PhD Candidate, Anthropology
Andrew Foley, PhD Student, Management and Organizations
Haiyun He, Postdoctoral Scholar, Applied Mathematics and Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sarah Kezar, Postdoctoral Scholar, Plant Sciences
Haein Kim, Postdoctoral Scholar, Neurobiology and Behavior
Yi Lu, PhD Candidate, Psychology
Joy Ming, PhD Candidate, Information Science
Imanol Miqueleiz, Postdoctoral Scholar, Natural Resources and the Environment
Julien Morival, Postdoctoral Scholar, Cell and Molecular Biology
Huong Nguyen, Postdoctoral Scholar, Soil and Crop Sciences
Betul Pamuk, Research Associate and Staff Scientist, Materials Science and Engineering and Applied and Engineering Physics
Katie Randolph, PhD Candidate, Biological and Environmental Engineering
Augusto Santos Rampasso, PhD Candidate, Entomology
Bec Schmitt, Postdoctoral Scholar, Molecular Medicine
Yongxin Shang, PhD Candidate, Public Policy
Katie Simpson, Postdoctoral Scholar, Industrial and Labor Relations
Rachael Skye, PhD Candidate, Materials Science and Engineering
Meagan Sundstrom, PhD Candidate, Physics
Kim (Hochstedler) Webb, PhD Candidate, Statistics
Pengfei Yan, Postdoctoral Scholar, Biological and Environmental Engineering
Shuai Zhou, Postdoctoral Scholar, Global Development
2022-2023 Cohort
Brian Aguilera, Doctoral Candidate, Genetics, Genomics and Development
Saket Bagde, Doctoral Candidate, Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology
Kianté Brantley, Postdoctoral Scholar, Computer Science
Amaris Brown, Doctoral Candidate, Africana Studies
Vincent Burgess, Doctoral Candidate, Asian Studies
Bwesigye Bwa Mwesigire, Doctoral Candidate, Literatures in English
Sieun Chae, Postdoctoral Scholar, Materials Science and Engineering
Cong Chen, Doctoral Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Reah Chiong, Doctoral Candidate, Nutritional Sciences
Rachelle Davenport, Doctoral Candidate, Soil and Crop Sciences
Jessica Diaz Rodriguez, Doctoral Candidate, Literatures in English
Amanda Domingues, Doctoral Candidate, Science and Technology Studies
Alexandra Gallyas Sanhueza, Doctoral Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Juliana González-Tobón, Doctoral Candidate, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology
Jennifer Houtz, Doctoral Candidate, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Kun Huang, Doctoral Candidate, Comparative Literature
Wayne Johnson, Doctoral Candidate, Management and Organizations
Zeynab Jouzi, Postdoctoral Scholar, Action Research Collaborative (ARC), Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research
Guru Khalsa, Research Associate, Materials Science and Engineering and Applied and Engineering Physics
Shanthanu Krishna Kumar, Doctoral Candidate, Horticulture
Lidane Noronha, Doctoral Student, Entomology
Tatiana Padilla, Doctoral Candidate, Policy Analysis and Management
Sreetama Pal, Postdoctoral Scholar, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Sagar Shah, Postdoctoral Scholar, Molecular Biology and Genetics
Daniel Sprockett, Postdoctoral Scholar, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Angie Torres-Beltran, Doctoral Candidate, Government
Yuan Yan, Postdoctoral Scholar, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Aria R. Yslas, Doctoral Candidate, Biomedical Engineering
Kara Zielinski, Doctoral Candidate, Biophysics
Sophia Ziemian, Postdoctoral Scholar, Biomedical Engineering
2021-2022 Cohort
Felix Alfonso, Postdoctoral Scholar, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
(image pending)
Hassnain Asgar, Doctoral Candidate, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Marissa Bell, Postdoctoral Scholar, Communication
Samantha Bosco, Doctoral Candidate, Horticulture
Chelsea Butkowski, Doctoral Candidate, Communication
Joseph Casamento, Doctoral Candidate, Materials Science and Engineering
Yulan Chen, Doctoral Student, Materials Science and Engineering
Cindy Cordoba Arroyo, Doctoral Candidate, Fiber Science & Apparel Design
Erika Cyphert, Postdoctoral Scholar, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
(image pending)
Cera Fisher, Postdoctoral Scholar, Entomology
Stephanie Fuchs, Doctoral Candidate, Biological Engineering
Zijin Gu, Doctoral Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Li Guan, Doctoral Student, Psychology
Douglas Hamilton, Postdoctoral Scholar, Earth and Atmospheric Science
Ash Heim, Postdoctoral Scholar, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Saeed Hosseinzadeh, Doctoral Candidate, Plant Pathology and Plant Microbe Biology
Miriam Huerta, Postdoctoral Scholar, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Garrison Komaniecki, Doctoral Candidate, Molecular Biology and Genetics – Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology
Candice Limper, Doctoral Candidate, Microbiology and Immunology
Maria Sol Lisboa, Doctoral Candidate, Biological and Environmental Engineering
Lissette Lorenz, Doctoral Candidate, Science and Technology Studies
Jason C. Marvin, Doctoral Candidate, Biomedical Engineering
Chinasa T. Okolo, Doctoral Candidate, Computer Science
Semira Ortiz, Doctoral Candidate, Nutritional Science
David Parker, Doctoral Candidate, Food Science
Alec Pollak, Doctoral Candidate, Literatures in English
Prafull Purohit, Doctoral Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ligia Reyes, Postdoctoral Scholar, Division of Nutritional Sciences
Stephanie Rich, Doctoral Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Caren Shin, Doctoral Candidate, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Deena Thomas, Postdoctoral Scholar, Division of Nutritional Sciences
Leila Wilmers, Postdoctoral Scholar, Sociology
2020-2021 Cohort
Juan Manuel Aldape Muñoz, Postdoctoral Scholar, Performing and Media Arts
Sandra Arias, Postdoctoral Scholar, Biomedical Engineering
Christopher Berardino, Doctoral Candidate, English
Carolyn Chlebek, Doctoral Candidate, Biomedical Engineering
Houston Claure, Doctoral Candidate, Mechanical Engineering
Sean Cosgrove, Doctoral Candidate, History
Rene Crespin, Doctoral Candidate, Policy Analysis and Management
Elvisha Dhamala, Doctoral Candidate, Weill Cornell Medicine – Neuroscience
Irma Fernandez, Doctoral Candidate, Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cell Biology
Regina Garcia-Mendez, Postdoctoral Scholar, Chemical Engineering
Eileen Gonzales, Postdoctoral Scholar, Astronomy
Janani Hariharan, Doctoral Candidate, Soil and Crop Sciences
Samantha Huey, Postdoctoral Scholar, Nutritional Sciences
Aaron Joiner, Doctoral Alumnus, Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cell Biology
- Current position: Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California, Berkeley
- Aaron’s Graduate School Spotlight
Teeratorn Kadeethum, Postdoctoral Scholar, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Current position: Postdoctoral Appointee, Sandia National Laboratories
- Teeratorn’s LinkedIn
Caitlin Kane, Doctoral Candidate, Performing and Media Arts
Anne Logan, Doctoral Candidate, Horticulture
Jesus Madrid, Postdoctoral Scholar, Psychology
Josephine Martell, Doctoral Candidate, Natural Resources and Environment
Erin McCauley, Doctoral Candidate, Sociology and Policy Analysis and Management
Anand Mishra, Postdoctoral Scholar, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Kelly Murray, Doctoral Candidate, Molecular Biology and Genetics
Julia Nolte, Doctoral Student, Human Development
Mariela Nunez Santos, Doctoral Candidate, Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cell Biology
Diana Obregon, Doctoral Candidate, Entomology
Maryam Rahmati Ishka, Postdoctoral Scholar, Soil and Crop Sciences
Sarah Riley, Doctoral Student, Information Science
Kelly Schmid, Postdoctoral Scholar, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Ana Smith, Doctoral Candidate, Computer Science
Michelle Stitzer, Postdoctoral Scholar, Molecular Biology and Genetics and Institute for Genomic Diversity
Betul Urganci, Doctoral Student, Human Development
Heftzi Marie Vazquez-Rodriguez, Doctoral Candidate, Romance Studies
Asher Williams, Postdoctoral Scholar, Chemical Engineering
Kristen Wright, Postdoctoral Scholar, Humanities Scholars Program, Society for the Humanities
Bo Yang, Postdoctoral Scholar, Mechanical Engineering
2019-2020 Cohort
Ama Bemma Adwetewa-Badu, Doctoral Candidate, English
Lina Arcila Hernández, Postdoctoral Scholar, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Xiangkun (Elvis) Cao, Doctoral Candidate, Mechanical Engineering
Robert Chiodi, Doctoral Candidate, Mechanical Engineering
Aaron Chiou, Doctoral Candidate, Biomedical Engineering
- Aaron’s Graduate School Spotlight
- Aaron’s research lab website
- Aaron’s LinkedIn profile
- Aaron’s Twitter
Nicole Chodkowski, Postdoctoral Scholar, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Entomology; Plant Science
Jennifer Gonzalez, Doctoral Candidate, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology
Adriana Hernández, Doctoral Student, School of Integrative Plant Science, Plant Biology Section
Javier A. Jaimes, Postdoctoral Scholar, Microbiology and Immunology
Eugene P. Law, Doctoral Candidate, Soil and Crop Sciences
Jesús Martínez-Gómez, Doctoral Candidate, Plant Biology
John McMullen, Doctoral Candidate, Entomology
Mariely Medina-Rivera, Doctoral Candidate, Food Science and Technology
Melisa Medina-Rivera, Postdoctoral Scholar, Biomedical Sciences – Biochemistry
I. Abrrey Monreal, Postdoctoral Scholar, Microbiology and Immunology
Manisha Munasinghe, Doctoral Candidate, Computational Biology
Sarah Murphy, Doctoral Candidate, Food Science
Deborah Oluwasanya, Doctoral Candidate, Soil and Crop Sciences
Amnon Ortoll-Bloch, Doctoral Candidate, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- Amnon’s research group website
- Amnon’s Graduate School Spotlight
- Amnon’s LinkedIn profile
- Amnon’s Twitter
Alaina Petlewski, Doctoral Student, Plant Biology
Arnaldo Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Doctoral Candidate, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Seema Singh, Doctoral Candidate, City and Regional Planning
Leila O. Tayeb, Postdoctoral Scholar, Music
Eve Vavagiakis, Doctoral Candidate, Physics
Doğa Yücalan, Doctoral Candidate, Aerospace Engineering
Katherine Zaslavsky, Doctoral Student, Sociology
2018-2019 Cohort
Rama Alhabian, Doctoral Alumna, Near Eastern Studies
- Current position: Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Arabic, Bowdoin College
- Alhabian’s student spotlight
Mariana Amorim, Doctoral Alumna, Policy Analysis & Management
- Current position: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Washington State University
- Amorim’s departmental website
Elizabeth Carter, Doctoral Alumna, Biological & Environmental Engineering
- Current position: Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Syracuse University
- Carter’s departmental website
Susan Cheng, Postdoctoral Scholar, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Current position: Data Analytics and Assessment Instructional Consultant, Foundational Course Initiative and Affiliate, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan Center for Research on Learning and Teaching
- Cheng’s LinkedIn profile
Luisa Cortesi, Postdoctoral Alumna, Science & Technology Studies and Anthropology
- Current position: Assistant Professor, International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Cortesi’s departmental website
- Cortesi’s postdoc spotlight
Michael Dunaway, Doctoral Alumnus, Natural Resources
- Current position: CELT Research Team Leader at the Climate Institute
- Dunaway’s LinkedIn profile
Fernando Galeana Rodriguez, Doctoral Candidate, Development Sociology
Ramina Ghods, Doctoral Alumna, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
- Ghods’ departmental website
- Ghods’ LinkedIn profile
Robert Gingras, Doctoral Candidate, Biochemistry, Molecular & Cell Biology
Mohammad Haft Javaherian, Doctoral Alumnus, Biomedical Engineering
- Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Haft Javaherian’s LinkedIn profile
Anyimilehidi Mazo Vargas, Doctoral Alumna, Entomology
- Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, George Washington University
- Mazo Vargas’ LinkedIn profile
Clara Meaders, Postdoctoral Scholar, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Current Position: Assistant Teaching Professor, Biology, University of California San Diego
- Meaders’ postdoc spotlight
Oyebola Oyseola, Doctoral Alumna, Biomedical and Biological Sciences
- Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Washington
- Oyseola’s LinkedIn profile
Catalina Pereira, Doctoral Alumna, Biochemistry, Molecular & Cell Biology
Ana Maria Porras, Postdoctoral Alumna, Biomedical Engineering
- Current position: Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida
- Porras’ departmental website
- Porras’ LinkedIn profile
- Porras’ postdoc spotlight
Andrea Restrepo-Mieth, Doctoral Alumna, City & Regional Planning
- Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania
- Restrepo-Mieth’s professional website
Hao Shi, Doctoral Alumnus, Physics
- Current position: Co-Founder and CEO at Kanvas Biosciences
- Shi’s LinkedIn profile
Bianka Takaoka, Doctoral Candidate, Philosophy
Lin Yao, Postdoctoral Alumnus, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Current position: ZJU100 Young Professor, Zhejiang University
- Yao’s LinkedIn profile
- Yao’s postdoc spotlight
Duhan Zhang, Doctoral Alumna, Mechanical Engineering
- Current position: Postdoctoral Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Zhang’s LinkedIn profile
2017-2018 Cohort
Lucila Andrea Acevedo, Doctoral Alumna, Biophysics
- Current position: Postdoctoral scholar, University of Pennsylvania
- Acevedo’s LinkedIn profile
- Acevedo’s personal website
- Interview with Dr. Acevedo
Ryan Buyco, Doctoral Alumnus, Asian Studies
- Current position: Riley Scholar-in-Residence in Asian American and Global Asian Studies and Visiting Assistant Professor at Colorado College
- Interview with Dr. Buyco
Joseph Cammarata, Doctoral Alumnus, Plant Biology
- Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher at Duke University
- Cammarata’s LinkedIn profile
Younas Dadmohammadi, Postdoctoral Alumnus, Chemical Engineering
- Current position: Research Associate, Cornell University and Entrepreneurial Lead, National Science Foundation
- Dadmohammadi’s LinkedIn profile
Jared Enriquez, Doctoral Alumnus, City and Regional Planning
Romy Fain, Doctoral Alumna, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Current position: Founder/CEO at Heat Inverse
- Fain’s LinkedIn profile
Jayme Kilburn, Doctoral Candidate, Performing and Media Arts
Daniel Mutyambai, Postdoctoral Scholar, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Aravind Natarajan, Doctoral Alumnus, Microbiology
- Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
- Natarajan’s LinkedIn profile
Amanda Recupero, Doctoral Candidate, Romance Studies
LaDeidra Monet Roberts, Doctoral Alumna, Biomedical Engineering
- Current position: Postdoctoral researcher at Virginia Tech
- Roberts’s LinkedIn profile
Theresa Rocha Beardall, Doctoral Alumna, Sociology
- Current position: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Virginia Tech
- Beardall’s professional website
- Beardall’s LinkedIn profile
- Beardall’s graduate student spotlight
Josh Strable, Postdoctoral Alumnus, Plant Biology
- Current position: Assistant Professor, Molecular and Structural Biochemistry, North Carolina State University
- Strable’s departmental website
- Strable’s postdoc spotlight
Jermaine Toney, Postdoctoral Alumnus, Applied Economics and Management
- Current position: Assistant Professor of Economics, Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University
- Toney’s LinkedIn profile
- Toney’s professional website
- Toney’s departmental website
- Toney’s postdoc spotlight
Gargi Wable Grandner, Doctoral Alumna, Nutrition
- Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, Cornell University
- Wable’s LinkedIn profile
Michelle Wong, Doctoral Alumna, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Current position: Postdoctoral Scientist, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
- Wong’s professional website
- Wong’s departmental website
- Wong’s LinkedIn profile
Frances Zhu, Doctoral Alumna, Aerospace Engineering
- Current position: Assistant Research Professor at Hawai’i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology and Associate Director of the Hawai’i Space Grant Consortium, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
- Zhu’s LinkedIn profile
- Blog post by Dr. Zhu