Career and Professional Development
The Graduate School offers academic, career, professional, and personal development programs for all phases of the student journey, from navigating graduate school to identifying your next steps. Explore the programs of our Office of Career and Professional Development and partners, and browse the Doctoral Career Outcomes dashboard.
Career Development
Future Faculty and Academic Careers
- Academic job search preparation
- Local and remote workshops
- Research mentorship skills
Careers Beyond Academia
- Frame yourself for your career
- Broaden your network for job advice
- Experiential skill-building opportunities
Cornell Career Services
- Career exploration
- Job search strategy; find internships
- Prepare job applications; negotiate offers
Professional Development
Pathways to Success
- Navigate academia; develop a plan
- Build skills; prepare for your career
- Develop balance and resilience
All Events & Workshops
- Academic progress; writing workshops
- Career preparation; future faculty
- Leadership, community engagement
Academic Success
- Academic policy and programs
- Fellowship application writing
- Research integrity and ethics training
Inclusion & Student Engagement
- Dean’s Scholars; Bouchet Honor Society
- Graduate School Ambassadors
- NextGen Professors; Colman Leadership
Personal Development
- Graduate School Primer Workshops
- Perspectives: Health and Wellness
- Weekly Walks & Gratitude Project
Big Red Barn
- TGIF happy hour, trivia night, and more
- Dining
- Special events reservations
Postdoctoral Studies
- Academic job search exploration, including postdoc positions
- Postdoc Leadership Program
- Review application packages, practice interviewing, negotiate offers
Professional Development Offerings Across Campus
English Language Support Office (ELSO)
- Courses and workshops
- Tutoring on writing and presentations
- Speaking and writing programs
Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines
- Writing courses for graduate students
- Graduate writing consultants
Center for Teaching Innovation (CTI)
- GET SET Workshops
- Teaching Fellows program
- Teaching assistant award
- Workshops on library research, information management, and computer applications
- Chats in the Stacks
- Librarians available for class instruction
Funding and Personal Finance
Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies
- International Research Travel Grants
- Fellowship application information sessions
Community-Engaged Student Travel Grants
- Supports winter, spring, or summer break travel to engage with domestic or international communities
- Federal and university loans
- Alternative loans and financing
- Promissory note and entrance counseling
Research Tools and Technology at Cornell
Office of Research Integrity and Assurance (ORIA)
- Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training
- Seminars and symposia
Research Data Management Service Group (RDMSG)
- Data Management Plan Tool account
- Free consultations
- Free Office 365 bundle and other software
- Free Zoom account
- Free Qualtrics survey tool for research
Center for Technology Licensing (CTL)
- CTL Practicum
- Commercializing Cornell inventions
Cornell Institute of Biotechnology
- Technical workshops
- Project design & data analysis
- Seed research grants
Institute for Social and Economic Research (CISER)
- Computing and data workshops
- Software training
- Computing, software, and data help desk support
Cornell University Statistical Consulting Unit (CSCU)
- Consulting services
- Workshops on data and statistical analysis
- StatNews newsletter
Other Opportunities
David M. Einhorn Center for Community Engagement
- School Outreach programs
- Leadership programs
- Language and interpreter programs
- Travel registry
- International Travel Research Internship Program
- Internships
- Symposia
- Newsletter
Global Learning: International Services
- Support of international students
- Walk-in advising hours
- Student resources
- Travel information