Alumni in the News

‘Upside-Down Rhinos’ Study is Latest Big Red Research to Win an Ig Nobel
Cornellians, 11/5/21
Alumni: Julia Felippe, Ph.D. ’02; Michael Smith, Ph.D. ’17; Raymond Goldstein, Ph.D. ’88; John Perry, Ph.D. ’68; Daniel Simons, Ph.D. ’97; and Justin Kruger, Ph.D. ’99
Big Data Can Render Some as ‘Low-resolution Citizens’
Cornell Chronicle, 10/28/21
Alumni: Ranjit Singh, Ph.D. ’20
Machine Learning Predicts Antibiotic Resistance Spread
Cornell Chronicle, 10/22/21
Alumni: Juan Felipe Beltrán, Ph.D. ’19
Sim City for Food Science Takes on Listeria Outbreaks
Cornell Chronicle, 10/14/21
Alumni: Renata Ivanek, Ph.D. ’08; Genevieve Sullivan ’16, Ph.D. ’20; Martin Wiedmann, Ph.D. ’97; and Claire Zoellner, Ph.D. ’17
Warming Atlantic Forces Whales into New Habitats, Danger
Cornell Chronicle, 9/1/21
Alumni: Erin Meyer-Gutbrod, Ph.D. ’16
Bacteria May Hold Key for Energy Storage, Biofuels
Cornell Chronicle, 8/31/21
Alumni: Buz Barstow, Ph.D. ’09, and Annette Rowe, Ph.D. ‘11
Graduate Student: Farshid Salimijazi
Female Hummingbirds Look Like Males to Evade Harassment
Cornell Chronicle, 8/25/21
Alumni: Jay Falk, Ph.D. ’20; Michael S. Webster, Ph.D. ’91; and Dustin R. Rubenstein, Ph.D. ’06
Food Scientists Create National Atlas for Deadly Listeria
Cornell Chronicle, 8/6/21
Alumni: Martin Wiedmann, Ph.D. ’97; Jingqiu Liao, Ph.D. ’20; and Daniel Weller, Ph.D. ’18
How Parasto Hamed, M.P.S. ’14, Changed her Focus and Changed Lives
CALS News, 7/13/21
Alumni: Parasto Hamed, M.P.S. ‘14
Mish and Lai Win Initial Graduate, Professional Teaching Prize
Cornell Chronicle, 7/26/21
Alumni: Dong Lai, M.S. ’91, Ph.D. ‘94
NSF Funds Work on Flagging Bad Online Behavior
Cornell Chronicle, 7/8/21
Alumni: Natalie Bazarova, M.S. ’05, Ph.D. ’09
Who Reads the Spelling Bee Words?
New York Times, 7/8/21
Alumni: Jacques A. Bailly, Ph.D. ’97
Report: Ithaca Economy Shouldn’t Return to Business as Usual
Cornell Chronicle, 6/30/21
Alumni: Ian Greer, M.S. ’03, Ph.D. ’05
Graduate Student: Linda Wang
Alumna Wins New Mexico Special Election for U.S. House Seat
CALS News, 6/3/21
Alumni: Melanie Stansbury, M.S. ’07
Startup’s Sustainable Tech Takes Food Farther
Cornell Chronicle, 5/12/21
Alumni: Vipul Saran, M.P.S. ’17
Time and Sanctuary: Writing Program Shapes Promising Voices
Cornell Chronicle, 4/22/21
Alumni: Michael Prior, M.F.A. ’17; Toni Morrison, M.A. ’54; Susan Choi, M.F.A. ’95; Junot Diaz, M.F.A. ’95; Téa Obrect, M.F.A. ’09; Ling Ma, M.F.A. ’95; NoViolet Bulawayo, M.F.A. ’10; Dana Koster, M.F.A. ’08; Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers, M.F.A. ’11; Nicholas Friedman, M.F.A. ’12; and Sally Wen Mao, M.F.A. ‘13
Graduate Students: Zahid Rafiq and India Sada Hackle
Two Class of 1978 Alumni Win ILR School’s Top Awards
Cornell Chronicle, 4/16/21
Alumni: John Bickerman ’78, M.S. ‘80
Cornell Virologist Elected President of World’s Foremost Virology Society
Cornell Chronicle, 4/14/21
Alumni: Colin Parrish, Ph.D. ‘84
From Cornell to NASA to an Icy Moon of Jupiter
Cornell Chronicle, 4/7/21
Alumni: Laura Jones-Wilson, M.S. ’10, Ph.D. ’12, and Jason Hofgartner, M.S. ’14, Ph.D. ‘16
Study Will Help NYS Livestock Farmers Maximize Profit
Cornell Chronicle, 4/7/21
Alumni: Todd Schmit, M.S. ’94, Ph.D. ’03, and Matt LeRoux, M.P.S. ’09
Rhea L. Combs Named Director of Curatorial Affairs at Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C.
Culture Type, 4/6/21
Alumni: Rhea Combs, M.P.S. ‘94
Indigenous Tribe that Worships Tigers Helps Protect the Species, 1/29/21
Alumni: Adrian Lopes, Ph.D. ’14, and Shadi Atallah, Ph.D. ‘14
Author Nora Dimitrova Clinton: I Am Living Proof of the American Dream
Authority Magazine, 2/4/21
Alumni: Nora (Dimitrova) Clinton, Ph.D. ‘02
Cornell AI Startup Secures $1 Million in Seed Funding
Cornell Chronicle, 3/18/21
Alumni: Apoorva Kiran, Ph.D. ’18, and Jason Guss, Ph.D. ’18
5 Questions with Danielle Kalkofen, Quality Control Scientist, Vigene Biosciences
BioBuzz, 3/16/21
Alumni: Danielle Kalkofen, Ph.D. ’15
Baird Honored Among Distinguished Women in Chemistry, 2021
Cornell Chronicle, 3/9/21
Alumni: Barbara Baird, Ph.D. ’79
Jeffrey Perry Earns New York Ag Education Award
Cornell Chronicle, 3/5/21
Alumni: Jeffrey Perry ’89, Ph.D.’ 18
Have you seen a Cornell Graduate School alumnus or alumna featured in the news recently?
Let us know, and we’ll include the details in the next Alumni Newsletter! Submit your news story.