Alumni in the News

Meet the Neutrinos: Kids’ Book Introduces Mystery Particles
Cornell Chronicle, 3/22/22
Alumni: Eve Vavagiakis ’14, M.S. ’17, Ph.D. ’21
Carmakers Race to Control Next-Generation Battery Technology
The New York Times, 3/7/22
Alumni: Siyu Huang, M.S. ’11, Ph.D. ’13, M.B.A. ’14
New Professorship to Focus on Digital Ag, Transdisciplinary Research
Cornell Chronicle, 3/4/22
Alumni: Norman Scott, Ph.D. ’62
NoViolet Bulawayo Believes Freedom Begins With Imagination
The New York Times, 3/3/22
Alumni: NoViolet Bulawayo, M.F.A. ’10
Everspin Announces Appointment of New President and CEO
Business Wire, 3/2/22
Alumni: Sanjeev Aggarwal, Ph.D. ’96
Eight Books That Reevaluate American History
The Atlantic, 2/25/22
Alumni: Danielle Fuentes Morgan, Ph.D. ’16
New 3D Body-mapping Tech Helps Consumers, the Environment
Cornell Chronicle, 2/23/22
Alumni: Jie Pei, M.A. ’16, Ph.D. ’20; Susan Ashdown, M.A. ’89; and Fatma Baytar, Ph.D. ’11
Nearly a Third of TV Ads Play to Empty Rooms
Cornell Chronicle, 2/10/22
Alumni: Matthew McGranaghan, M.S. ’14, Ph.D. ’20
Global Development M.P.S. Alum Earns AAAS Fellowship
Cornell Chronicle, 2/3/22
Alumni: Rex Ukaejiofo, M.P.S. ’20
Asian Studies Alum Wins Emmy for Journalism Work
A&S Communications, 2/1/22
Alumni: Dexter Thomas, Ph.D. ’20
Doctoral Alum Has Devoted His Career to Saving Lemurs
Cornellians, 1/25/22
Alumni: Erik Patel, Ph.D. ’11
Alum Is an Evangelist for the Wonders of National Parks–‘After Dark’
Cornellians, 1/20/22
Alumni: Tyler Nordgren, Ph.D. ’97
COVID Variant Siblings Show Different Levels of Virulence
Cornell Chronicle, 1/13/22
Alumni: Javier Jaimes, Ph.D. ’18
James Larison ’70, Ph.D. ’01, Reflects on his Career as a Nature Filmmaker
Cornellians, 1/13/22
Alumni: James Larison ’70, Ph.D. ’01
Kiely Inducted into Academy of Community Engagement Scholarship
Cornell Chronicle, 1/10/22
Alumni: Richard Kiely, Ph.D. ‘02
Choline During Pregnancy Impacts Children’s Sustained Attention
Cornell Chronicle, 1/3/22
Alumni: Charlotte Bahnfleth, Ph.D. ’19
Maya Dalla Valle – Crafting Oakville’s Finest Red Wines
Forbes, 12/20/21
Alumni: Maya Dalla Valle, M.P.S. ’13
LocalFiber Pop-up Brings Farmers and Artisans Together
Ithaca Voice, 12/16/21
Alumni: Dana Havas, M.S. ‘20
Prime Time: First Therapeutic Clinical Trial of C’Dots Underway
Cornell Chronicle, 12/8/21
Alumni: Hooisweng Ow, Ph.D. ’05; Kai Ma, Ph.D. ’15; Melik Turker, M.S. ’15, Ph.D. ’19; Fei Wu, Ph.D. ’16; and Tom Gardinier, Ph.D. ’19
Stem-cell Breakthrough Could Preserve Diverse Livestock Breeds
Cornell Chronicle, 12/8/21
Alumni: Vimal Selvaraj, Ph.D. ’06, and Viju Vijayan Pillai, Ph.D. ’19
Food Scientists Create Zinc Index for Human Body
Cornell Chronicle, 11/17/21
Graduate Student: Jacquelyn Cheng ’15
Alumni: Haim Bar, M.S. ’10, Ph.D. ’12
More Training, Fewer Layoffs: How Employee Training Pays Off
Cornell Chronicle, 11/17/21
Graduate Student: Hyesook Chung
Alumni: Rebecca Kehoe ’05, M.S. ’08, Ph.D. ’10
Hochul Names Cornellians to NYS Climate Assessment Project
Cornell Chronicle, 11/15/21
Alumni: Stephen Shaw ’00, M.S. ’05, Ph.D. ’08, and Abraham Francis ’14, M.S. ’19
Have you seen a Cornell Graduate School alumnus or alumna featured in the news recently?
Let us know, and we’ll include the details in the next Alumni Newsletter! Submit your news story.