Alumni Newsletter Spring 2023

Spring blossoms surround McGraw Tower. Text reading, "Alumni Newsletter Spring 2023."Jason Koski/Cornell University

Banner reading, "Graduate School News"

Graduate students take a selfie in front of McGraw Tower
Mentoring program participants participate in a scavenger hunt around campus.
Photo: Provided

‘Like Having an Older Sibling’: Graduate Students Benefit from Peer Mentoring

In graduate school, peer mentoring is a two-way street that benefits everyone. Advanced students can share what they’ve learned through experience by mentoring early-career students. As mentees, early-career students can avoid common pitfalls and get ahead with the benefit of a more student who has been there, done that.

Read more about the MAC Mentoring Program.

More Graduate School News

Banner reading, "Research with Impact"

A student shoots a basketball on a Cornell courtA student takes a shot at Bartels Hall.
Photo: Sreang Hok/Cornell University

A physics theory that’s proven useful to predict the crowd behavior of molecules and fruit flies also seems to work in a very different context – a basketball court. A model based on density functional theory can suggest the best positioning for each player on the basketball court in a given scenario if they want to raise their probability of either scoring or defending successfully. Boris Barron, a doctoral student in physics, recently presented this work.

Read more about physics theory and basketball.

More Research with Impact

Banner reading, "Cornell and Ithaca News"

Students sit on part of a constructed bridge while constructing the restStudents built a trolley to shuttle sections of the bridge across the creek in 1983.
Photo: Provided

In 1983, after a storm washed out an unstable pedestrian bridge over Ithaca’s Fall Creek, the Cornell student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) rebuilt it. Forty years later, in 2023, the current student chapter of ASCE is renovating the bridge for the next 40 years or more.

Read more about the Flat Rock Bridge.

More Cornell and Ithaca News

Banner reading, "Quizzes and Puzzles"

Big Red Sliding puzzle of fireworks behind McGraw TowerPlay games and do puzzles, like the Big Red Sliding Puzzle, on Cornell’s Alumni website.

Free Cornell-themed Games and Puzzles

Play Cornell-themed games and complete Cornell-themed puzzles on the Alumni website. Enjoy trivia, ‘Cornerdle,’ sliding puzzles, crosswords, and more!

Explore the games and puzzles.

Banner reading, "Alumni in the News"

A woman's hands hover over a MacBookPhoto: Sergey Zolkin/Unsplash

White guests favor Airbnb properties with white hosts, but are more inclined to rent from Black or Asian hosts if they see featured reviews from previous white guests, new research co-authored by Cornell scholars, including Chao Yu, M.S. ’17, Ph.D. ’21, and Minsu Park, M.S. ’18, Ph.D. ’19, finds.

Read more about the Airbnb research.

More Alumni in the News

Astronomers Discover Metal-rich Galaxy in Early Universe
Cornell Chronicle, 2/27/23
Graduate Students: Bo Peng, Catie Ball, and Christopher Rooney
Alumni: Amit Vishwas, Ph.D. ’19; Gordon Stacey, Ph.D. ’85; Carl Ferkinhoff, Ph.D. ’14; and Cody Lamarche, Ph.D. ‘19

A Bold Plan to Revive the Eel, as British as Shakespeare and Tea
The Times, 2/24/23
Alumni: John Wyatt Greenlee, Ph.D. ‘20

When Recreational Cannabis is Legal, Codeine Demand Drops
Cornell Chronicle, 1/19/23
Graduate Student: Shyam Raman
Alumni: Johanna Catherine Maclean, Ph.D. ‘13

Product Images Could Boost Food Pantry Use
Cornell Chronicle, 1/18/23
Alumni: Anne Byrne, Ph.D. ‘21

Cornell to Lead New Semiconductor Research Center
Cornell Chronicle, 1/4/23
Alumni: James Hwang, M.S. ’76, Ph.D. ’78; Dan Ralph, Ph.D. ’93; and Judy Cha, Ph.D. ‘09

Freedom on the Move Project Inspires Music Performances
Cornell Chronicle, 12/15/22
Alumni: Tsitsi Ella Jaji, M.A. ’06, Ph.D. ‘08

See more alumni in the news stories.

Have you seen a Cornell Graduate School alumnus or alumna featured in the news recently?
Let us know, and we’ll include the details in the next Alumni Newsletter! Submit your news story.

Banner reading, "Give to the Graduate School Annual Fund"