Graduate Faculty Handbook

The philosophy and the organization of graduate study at Cornell foster connections across academic units. Within broad guidelines established by the graduate faculty and by the fields, each student and the special committee that they select have great freedom to formulate the individualized program of study best suited to the goals of that student. This flexibility carries with it serious responsibilities on the part of all members of the graduate faculty, who must ensure that the accomplishments of their students are consistent with the standards of excellence appropriate for the various advanced degrees and the expectations of the graduate field.

All faculty are encouraged to advance their knowledge and skills related to mentoring and responsible conduct of research in order to improve their capacity to be good mentors and to pass those skills to their graduate students. This is especially important for faculty working at locations away from the Ithaca, Cornell Tech, and Geneva campuses, where they and their students may have fewer day-to-day interactions with colleagues in their field.

The Code of Legislation of the Graduate Faculty

The Code of Legislation of the Graduate Faculty, which outlines the rules and regulations of the graduate faculty pertaining to graduate study, can be viewed online. At this time, the university is currently negotiating with the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) to determine a contract for teaching assistants (TAs), research assistants (RAs), graduate research assistants (GRAs), and graduate assistants (GAs) at Cornell. The eventual contract will have an impact on policies and procedures around the terms and conditions of employment for these graduate workers. Stay up to date on the process on the Graduate Student Unionization Update website.

Graduate School and university policies and resources exist to support your work mentoring and advising graduate students. Our Policies page lists articles on more than 40 topics and policies related to graduate education at Cornell. Several are highlighted below; please be aware of these in your work with graduate students.

Student Resources

Please encourage your graduate students to make use of the extensive resources across campus that are available for their academic, professional, and career development.

Faculty Resources

You may find these resources useful as you work on grant proposals regarding graduate education, trainees, and broader impacts:

Graduate School Contacts

Please contact any of us in the Graduate School directly if you have questions about Cornell graduate education. We are very happy to assist!