Highlights from Announcements 2/20/23

Snow-covered branches frame McGraw Tower
Ryan Young/Cornell University


First-Year Research Students and Responsible Conduct of Research

All incoming graduate students pursuing research degrees must complete the online training course Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) before the end of their second semester. RCR training covers authorship, peer review, and research misconduct (plagiarism, data falsification, and data fabrication). Training must be completed before the end of the second registered semester (May 20 for Spring 23). Be proactive and complete the training now.


Donor-funded Scholarship Making a Difference for Ph.D. Students

Aerial view of McGraw Tower with Cayuga Lake in the background after snowfallAn alumnus inspired by help he received in graduate school is now giving back with a scholarship to support graduate students in making progress with their research.

Read more about the scholarship.

Student Spotlight

Emily TsengEmily Tseng is a doctoral student in information science from Singapore and Nashville, Tennessee. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Princeton University and now studies human-computer interaction, machine learning, and data privacy at Cornell.

Read more about Emily Tseng.

All spotlights.


Psychology Ph.D. Candidate Published in Bilingualism: Language & Cognition

Psychology doctoral candidate Felicity Frinsel’s paper, “Planning scope in second language sentence production: Do bilingual speakers plan ahead more in L1 than in L2?“, was published in the journal Bilingualism: Language & Cognition.

Thirty-Three Graduate Students Selected for Cornell Atkinson Grants

Thirty-three graduate students from 15 fields were recognized for funding awards through Cornell Atkinson’s 2023 Graduate Research Grants and Sustainable Biodiversity Fund programs.