Highlights from Announcements 9/7/21

Three students pose with Touchdown in front of the Big Red BarnRead more about the Big Red Barn’s response to Yellow Alert status in Announcements and the Barn’s newsletter.

Course Add Deadline is this Thursday!

Don’t forget that the last day to add courses or adjust credit hours is this Thursday, September 9. Please check Student Center to verify that:

  • You are properly enrolled in all your courses
  • The credit option, if available, is correct
  • Your grading option is correctly set to letter grades or pass/fail or audit

Use the university Add/Drop Form if you are unable to enroll through Self Service.

In accordance with university policy, changes will not be permitted after Thursday so be proactive and confirm your enrollment is correct.

Graduate School Fall 2021 Town Hall Recording Available

Screenshot of Video on Demand recording with text, "Graduate School Town Hall 9/2/21" displayedA recording of the Graduate School Fall 2021 Town Hall from September 2 is now available to view on Cornell Video on Demand.

Watch the Town Hall recording to learn more about public health requirements, updates on the fall semester, and new initiatives.

Comparing Cats and Horses

Arianna Bartlett using a microscopeCancer is one of the leading causes of deaths worldwide, not just for humans but for many animal species. Ph.D. candidate Arianna Bartlett studies feline mammary cancer, a disease in cats that resembles human breast cancer. Cats have a high rate of mammary cancer, yet little effective treatment has been developed for them.

Read more about Arianna Bartlett’s research.

Student Spotlight: Samantha Wesner

Samantha WesnerSamantha Wesner is a doctoral candidate in history from Dallas, Texas. After attending Harvard University as an undergraduate, she chose to pursue further study at Cornell due to the field of history’s reputation as well as the library’s resources.

Read more about Samantha Wesner.

Check out our other student spotlights and learn about students’ research, hobbies, and experiences at Cornell.