Highlights from Announcements 11/25/19

Taylor Brown and Rachel King at the Diversity and Inclusion Welcome Reception.

Taylor Brown and Rachel King at the Diversity and Inclusion Welcome Reception in September.

New Group Supports First-Generation and Low-Income Students

As a former first-generation undergraduate, doctoral student Taylor Brown was happy to see an undergraduate organization, First Generation Student Union, existed at Cornell.

She quickly realized, however, that graduate students needed a similar organization.

“As a new graduate student, I recognized that entirely new challenges awaited me,” said Taylor, who earned her bachelor’s from The Ohio State University and is working on her Ph.D. in the field of natural resources.

Read the full FiGLI story

An Escape into Fiction

By Jeff Clark, Doctoral Candidate at Imperial College London

I arrived home from work, my mind racing. I was scheduled to perform an experiment using a pricey piece of equipment—one that I’d be unlikely to gain much access to again during my Ph.D.—and I needed it to go flawlessly. “Will the x-rays transmit correctly?” I wondered. “What’s my backup plan if things go wrong?” I had spent the whole day fretting about the experiment, and I wanted to shut off my anxious thoughts. So after dinner, I made a cup of hot chocolate, curled up on my sofa, and cracked open a novel I’d been reading. Almost immediately, my mind left behind the details of experimental design and parachuted into a land of dæmons, magic dust, and armored bears. It was exactly what I needed.

Read the Science story

Student Spotlight: Rachel King

Rachel KingRachel King is a doctoral student in psychology from Rockford, Illinois. After earning her undergraduate degrees from Rock Valley Community College and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, she chose to attend Cornell for the intellectual freedom provided by its interdisciplinary nature.

Read the full student spotlight

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Check out our student spotlights, Q&As with current students about their research, hobbies, and experiences at Cornell.