Highlights from Announcements 3/28/22

Tax Day is April 18. See “Preparing Taxes” below for more information.
Campus Updates
Spring 2022 Commencement Events
Cornell University will host in-person Spring 2022 Commencement events to recognize August 2021, December 2021, and May 2022 graduates. To accommodate more participants, the commencement ceremony will be split into two separate events in Schoellkopf Stadium on Saturday, May 28, 2022.
Graduates will be assigned to a ceremony based on their field of study. Check the Commencement website in early April for information on how to switch events. There is no need to email at this time. To view field the assignments for each commencement ceremony visit the Graduate School Commencement webpage.
Cornell’s Commencement website is being updated frequently. Please check it regularly for ticket and other important information.
Doctoral Recognition Ceremony
A University Doctoral Recognition Ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 28th at 5:00 p.m. at Barton Hall. The Ph.D. Recognition ceremony will be on Saturday evening, May 28th, after the Schoellkopf events, and will be open to doctoral candidates who graduated August 2021, December 2021, and will graduate May 2022.
Here are specific items for you to review:
- Pre-order your cap and gown by April 15, 2022.
- RSVP to participate in the ceremony by May 25, 2022.
- Tickets and Guest Limit- There are no tickets for this event, and there is no limit to the number of guests who may attend.
- If you plan to attend please review all the information on the Cornell Commencement website.
Search Launched for the Inaugural Director of the Racial Justice and Equitable Futures Center
Cornell University invites applications and nominations for the position of Director, Racial Justice and Equitable Futures Center.
The Director will be responsible for further developing the capacity of the center to serve as a central node that connects and amplifies scholarship on racism, indigeneity, ethnicity, and bias currently distributed across a university-wide network of 25+ related units and beyond, to effect change off-campus through research and teaching on-campus. Learn more.
Preparing for the May 29th Conferral
Congratulations to students who have reached the finish line and plan to complete their degree requirements this semester. Please be aware that you need to submit your approved thesis/dissertation by May 1st to graduate in May. Contact the Graduate School (gradschool@cornell.edu) with questions or concerns.
Summer Registration
All research students, except those taking a vacation from research activities and work toward degree progress, must be registered and enrolled in research credits for the summer term by May 20th. Summer registration is especially critical for students receiving financial aid (fellowships, summer loans, assistantships, travel grants, or tuition awards) during the summer. There is no charge for summer registration.
- To register, enroll in the Graduate School’s Graduate Summer Research course, GRAD 9016 (class numbers 1047, 1048, 1049, 1050), through Student Center. You will not be automatically enrolled by the Graduate School.
If you are uncertain of your summer plans we recommend waiting until May to enroll, otherwise we encourage students to register now before the May 20th deadline.
Asian Literature, Religion, and Culture Ph.D. Candidate Wins 2022 3MT
“So, this is a coin from 12th century Sri Lanka. And, like many coins, it’s inscribed with the name of the monarch who commissioned it,” began Bruno Shirley, a doctoral candidate in Asian literature, religion, and culture at the seventh annual Cornell University Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition.
Doctoral Student’s Work Featured in Oxford Handbook Chapter
Artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on international politics is the topic of a recently-released Oxford Handbook chapter written by Cornell doctoral student Amelia Arsenault and and government professor Sarah Kreps. The chapter, “AI and International Politics,” is a broad look at the opportunities and risks that the proliferation of AI technology holds for international politics.
Preparing Taxes
Tax Day is Approaching
The deadline to file 2021 taxes is Monday, April 18, 2022.
For graduate students, all fellowship and assistantship stipends are considered taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and by New York state. International students may be required to pay taxes depending on whether they are eligible for an exemption under a tax treaty.
Each student is responsible for determining how the tax law applies to their own situation. For more information about taxes and links to additional information, visit the following pages:
Free Help Preparing Taxes
- For international students: Tax information for International Students – Global Learning provides free tax preparation software for international students. (Turbo Tax and other products do not include the right forms for international students, do not use them.)
- Tax preparation from Alternatives Credit Union: Alternatives Federal Credit Union offers free tax preparation for those who qualify. If your income is less than $57,000, you could be eligible.
Student Spotlight
Hui Ji is a doctoral candidate in genetics, genomics, and development from Jinhzhou, Hubei, China. She attended Zhiyuan College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, China, as an undergraduate and now researches how neurons degenerate.
All student spotlights.