Highlights from Announcements 5/3/21
Campus Updates
Fall 2021 Pre-enrollment is Thursday, May 6th
Fall 2021 pre-enrollment begins May 6th at 9:00 a.m. and ends May 7th at 11:59 p.m. Please take these steps to ensure you are ready for fall classes.
- CRITICAL: Complete the Fall 2021 Cornell University Enrollment Attestation. You MUST complete the Fall 2021 Cornell University Enrollment Attestation before you are eligible to enroll in courses. Failure to do so will lead to an enrollment hold, which means you will not be able to enroll in classes. Once you complete the attestation, the enrollment hold will be removed within approximately one hour. As a Cornell Tech student, you only need to complete the Fall 2021 Enrollment Attestation. Please ignore the Daily Check and other tabs found on the above link.
- Review the Guide to Fall 2021 Enrollment. Learn about instruction modes, pre-enrollment, tips for successful course enrollment, and access links to helpful enrollment resources.
- Check Student Essentials to make sure you have no holds preventing enrollment. If you do have holds, take action to resolve them immediately to avoid pre-enrollment delays.
Sign Up for On-Campus COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic May 6th
Cornell will hold an on-campus COVID-19 vaccine clinic for all students, faculty, and staff on Thursday, May 6, from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. in Bartels Hall. There are a limited number of doses available. Register today by visiting the state health department website.
The clinic, run in partnership with Cayuga Health System and the Tompkins County Health Department, will offer Johnson & Johnson, a single-dose vaccine. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine has been deemed by the CDC and FDA to be safe and effective, and was recently re-approved for use by the CDC, FDA, and New York state following extremely rare reports of blood clots in adult women younger than 50 years old. For more information on the vaccine’s safety, please visit the TCHD website.
Commencement Events
August ’20, December ’20, May ’21, and August ’21 Graduates
You are invited to attend the in-person Commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 29th at 10:00 a.m. in Schoellkopf Stadium. All participants must follow health and safety precautions, and testing protocols will be required.
The deadline to order keepsake caps and gowns is May 5th. You must order a gown to attend.
Ph.D., J.S.D., D.M.A. Recognition Event
In addition to the Saturday Commencement event, doctoral graduates are invited to attend a special University Ph.D. Recognition event on Friday, May 28th at 7:00 p.m. in Schoellkopf Stadium.
To attend you must:
- RSVP. Please RSVP using the link in Announcements as soon as possible but no later than May 10th to help with our planning and to know you are attending the event to read your name.
- Order your cap and gown by May 5th. You must order a gown to attend.
- Check the Commencement website regularly for updates.
More information will be sent about health and safety precautions, and will be noted on the Commencement website. If you do not plan to participate, you do not need to notify the Commencement Office, and no further actions are needed.
Borlaug Global Rust Initiative Announces 2021 Wheat Science Awards
The Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) announced its 2021 Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Early Career and Mentor awardees honoring wheat scientists working to protect food security around the world.
Ella Taagen, a Ph.D. candidate in the field of plant breeding at Cornell, was among this year’s winners.
The WIT awards recognize talent and dedication from both early career women scientists and those who have excelled at mentoring women working in triticum and its nearest cereal relatives. This year’s winners are pioneering new approaches to wheat and hail from parts around the world: Nepal, Pakistan, Syria, the United Kingdom, U.S., and Zambia.
Panelists Discuss Ways to Address Harassment
Raised in poverty in Mexico, Hector Aguilar-Carreno overcame obstacles as a first-generation student coming to the U.S. for graduate school and coming out as gay. He learned to work and live in English; navigate a new culture, and collaborate with peers who shared little of his background and formative experiences.
Now an associate professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology in the College of Veterinary Medicine, Aguilar-Carreno credits his success to his persistence, his mentors, and modeling best practices in research laboratory compliance. As a Hispanic principal investigator, he knows he is more likely to be targeted for errors.
Read the Chronicle story about the “Picture a Scientist” film screening and panel discussion, and view “Picture a Scientist” via PBS Nova.
Spotlights and Accomplishments
Alumnus Spotlight: William Pennock, Ph.D. ’19
William Pennock, Ph.D. ’19, is an alumnus of the civil and environmental engineering program at Cornell. He is now an assistant professor in the department of civil and environmental engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Read the full alumnus spotlight
Interested in what other alumni have accomplished since leaving Cornell?
Check out our alumni spotlights, Q&As with former students about their current work, experiences, and skills learned at Cornell.
Doctoral Candidate Participates in Social Science Advocacy Day
On April 27th, as part of the Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) annual Social Science Advocacy Day, natural resources doctoral candidate Josephine Martell, along with Cornell D.C. staff, met with members of Senator Gillibrand’s and Representative Tonko’s offices to advocate for social science funding and talk about her research. Please contact jem522@cornell.edu if you’d like to participate next year.