Highlights from Announcements 6/24/19

U.S. Legislative Advocacy Opportunity
House Committee Advances Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act
The House Science, Space, and Technology Committee advanced H.R. 36, the “Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 2019.” The legislation directs the National Science Foundation to establish a research program to examine factors contributing to sexual harassment in the scientific workplace, and directs the Office of Science and Technology Policy to issue uniform policy guidance to federal science agencies about resources to prevent and respond to sexual harassment in the scientific workplace.
Students interested in voicing opinions can find House email addresses on the U.S. House of Representatives Directory of Representatives webpage.
Student Spotlight: Chinasa Okolo
Chinasa Okolo is a doctoral student in computer science from Kansas City, Missouri. After attending Pomona College as an undergraduate, she chose to pursue further studies at Cornell due to its support for graduate students and opportunities for personal growth.
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Sociology Doctoral Candidate and Professor Publish Paper
Cornell sociology doctoral candidate Mario Molina and Professor Filiz Garip published “Machine Learning for Sociology” at the Annual Review of Sociology. View the paper on the Annual Review website.
Doctoral Students Receive 2019 Qualcomm Fellowship for Proposal
Oscar Castañeda and Alexandra Gallyas-Sanhueza, both electrical and computer engineering doctoral students advised by Assistant Professor Christoph Studer, have received a 2019 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship for their proposal, “PPAC: In-Memory Accelerator for Matrix-Vector-Product-Like Tasks.” The award consists of a $100,000 fellowship, as well as mentorship from Qualcomm engineers. Read more about the students, project, and fellowship.