Highlights from Announcements 7/19/21

Registrar: Preparing for the August Conferral

Congratulations to students who have reached the finish line and plan to complete degree requirements and graduate this summer. Please refer to the Thesis and Dissertation webpage for detailed information on deadlines and submission requirements to stay on track – the deadline to submit your thesis/dissertation is August 1st.

Study Finds that Professional Development Opportunities Do Not Delay Doctorate Training or Publications

Logos for the institutions affiliated with the PLOS Bio paperDoctoral students who participated in professional development opportunities during their degree programs did not experience differences in time to degree or manuscript output from their peers who did not participate in such opportunities, a new paper finds.

Read more about the paper.

Doctoral Candidate’s Research Spreads Broadly

Volcano on VenusGeological sciences doctoral candidate Ngoc Truong and Professor Jonathan Lunine authored a study about how phosphine gas found on Venus is evidence for explosive volcanoes. The research has been picked up and shared by media outlets around the world.

Read more about the research.

Student Spotlight: Julius Judd

Julius JuddJulius Judd is a doctoral candidate in biochemistry, molecular, and cell biology from Albany, New York. After attending University at Albany, SUNY as an undergraduate, he chose to pursue further study at Cornell for the collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to biological research as well as the location in Ithaca. Read more about Julius Judd.

Check out our other student spotlights and learn about students’ research, hobbies, and experiences at Cornell.


Doctoral Candidate Publishes First First-Authored, Single-Authored Paper

Table from doctoral candidate Alec McGail's paperSociology doctoral candidate Alec McGail published his first first-authored (and also single-authored) paper. The paper is a study in the history of sociology and in the sociology of science. McGail compiles the most forgotten works of all time, which give a clue to the history and dynamics of the field.

Doctoral Candidate’s Single-Author Paper Published in Geoforum

Development sociology doctoral candidate Ewan Robinson’s single-author research paper was published in the journal Geoforum. The paper is titled: “Citizens, Custodians, and Villains: Environmentality and the politics of difference in Senegal’s community forests.”

Doctoral Candidate Published in Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications

Computer generated knotMathematics doctoral candidate Max Lipton’s paper, “A lower bound on critical points of the electric potential of a knot,” has been published in Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications. Lipton’s research involves the topology of equipotential knot surfaces.

Graduate Students Present Digital Humanities Research in Showcase

The 2021 Summer Digital Humanities Fellows presented their research works in progress from the past six weeks. This year’s fellows include: Lyrianne González, Claire Cororaton, Jacob Walters, and Sam Wesner, history; Hannah Cole, comparative literature; Victoria Baugh and Bonnie Chung, English language and literature; and Colin Behrens, classics. Learn more.