Highlights from Announcements 1/30/23

Don’t Forget Course Enrollment Deadlines!
The last day to add courses or adjust credit hours is Monday, February 6. Please check Student Center to verify that:
- You are properly enrolled in all your courses
- The credit option, if available, is correct
- Your grading option is correctly set to letter grades or pass/fail or audit
- Resolve any time conflicts before the end of add period
Use the university Add/Drop Form if you are unable to enroll through Self Service.
In accordance with university policy, changes will not be permitted after Feb. 6. so be proactive and confirm your enrollment is correct.
Checking Enrollment Status and Holds
To check your enrollment status, log into Student Center. Holds are displayed in the Holds box. Holds that prevent university enrollment require immediate attention. Click on “Details” for complete information about the hold and the steps to resolve it.
If you failed to Cornell complete the Spring Checklist before December 15 (via the Daily Check) you may have a hold placed on your enrollment, preventing you from enrolling in classes for the spring semester. If you have not completed the checklist, do so immediately.
Student Spotlight
Beatrys Rodrigues is a doctoral student in communication from São Paulo, Brazil. She earned her B.A. in social communications with an emphasis in advertising and a graduate specialization in consumer and material culture and now studies gender divides in digital settings at Cornell.
Read more about Beatrys Rodrigues.
All spotlights.