Highlights from Announcements 3/20/23

Preparing for the May Conferral
Congratulations to students who have reached the finish line and plan to complete their degree requirements this semester. Please be aware that you need to submit your approved thesis/dissertation by May 1 to graduate in May. Contact the Graduate School (gradschool@cornell.edu) with questions or concerns.
Summer Registration
All research students, except those taking a vacation from research activities and work toward degree progress, must be registered and enrolled in research credits for the summer term. Summer registration is especially critical for students receiving financial aid (fellowships, summer loans, assistantships, travel grants, or tuition awards) during the summer. There is no charge for summer registration.
- To register, enroll in the Graduate School’s Graduate Summer Research course, GRAD 9016 (class numbers 1481, 1482, 1483, 1484), through Student Center. You will not be automatically enrolled by the Graduate School.
If you are uncertain of your summer plans we recommend waiting until May to enroll, otherwise we encourage students to register now.
Eight Students Advancing to 3MT Finals
Eight Cornell doctoral students will be advancing to the final round of the 2023 Three Minute Thesis competition (3MT). The final competition will be held live over Zoom on Thursday, March 30.
View the list of finalists and their fields.
Spring 2023 Commencement Events
Cornell University will host two in-person Spring 2023 Commencement events, each with a traditional procession from the Arts Quad, on Saturday, May 27 at Schoellkopf Field. All students will attend the ceremony of their conferring school/college or field of study’s school/college. If you plan to attend please review all the information on the Cornell Commencement website and pre-order your cap and gown by April 15. Tickets are not required but graduates are strongly encouraged to bring no more than four guests.
Doctoral Recognition Ceremony
The Ph.D. Recognition ceremony will be on Saturday evening, May 27, after the Schoellkopf events, and will be open to doctoral Ph.D., J.S.D., and D.M.A. candidates who graduated August 2022, December 2022, and expect to graduate May 2023 and August 2023. Register to attend by May 24.
Preparing for Tax Season
The Tax Deadline is Approaching
April 18 is the deadline to file your taxes. Read the Graduate School’s Tax Information and Tax Preparation FAQs and make a plan today.
Student Spotlight
Rachelle Davenport is a doctoral candidate in soil and crop sciences from Southampton, Massachusetts. She earned a B.S. and an M.S. at UMass Amherst and now studies how molecular diversity of soil organic matter helps retain organic carbon.
Read more about Rachelle Davenport.
All spotlights.