Highlights from Announcements 4/15/19

Photo by Kristen Adams, Cornell Federal Relations
Eleven Graduate and Professional Students Lobby on Capitol Hill
Eleven Graduate School students, joined by one law student and 10 students from Weill Cornell Medicine, traveled to Capitol Hill for Cornell Advocacy Day on March 27.
Students met with members of Congress and their staffs to discuss research funding and financial aid for graduate and professional degree students, visiting a total of 25 offices from nine states as well as representatives from their home states.
“I am grateful that I was given this chance to visit D.C. and to interact with my government and legislators in such a direct manner. I was struck by the sincere attention we were given throughout the day,” said Sarah Brown, a professional master’s student in the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs. “What a great experience bringing government and policy to life!”
Read the full Advocacy Day story
Speaker Series to Continue in 2019-2020
Following a successful fall lineup, the Graduate and Professional Women’s Network (GPWomeN) has received a $10,000 President’s Council of Cornell Women (PCCW) Leadership Grant to continue their speaker series.
Over the past three years, the GPWomeN-PCCW Speaker Series has sought to bring alumnae to campus to share wisdom with current graduate and professional students. Since the series began, events have grown in popularity with Fall 2018 talks reaching record numbers of nearly 100 attendees per event.
Read the full GPWomeN-PCCW story
Cornell to Implement Innovative Approach to Student Mental Health Services
A new approach to Cornell Health’s clinical mental health services will be implemented next fall, according to Ryan Lombardi, vice president for student and campus life.
Students will be able to access mental health care when they need it, through 25-minute goal-focused counseling sessions that often can be scheduled the same day. Additionally, the length and number of sessions each student receives will be matched to that student’s needs and goals. Lombardi announced the changes in an email to all students March 20.
Student Spotlight: Michał Matejczuk
Michał Matejczuk is a M.P.S. candidate from Ogrodniczki, Poland. After attending the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York, he chose to pursue a master of professional studies program in international agriculture and rural development as a way to tie together his culinary knowledge with his work in the Peace Corps.
Read the full student spotlight
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Check out our student spotlights, Q&As with current students about their research, hobbies, and experiences at Cornell.
Congratulations to P.E.O. Scholar Lauren Genova
Lauren Genova, a Ph.D. candidate in the graduate field of chemistry and chemical biology at Cornell University, was one of 150 doctoral students in the United States and Canada selected to receive a $15,000 P.E.O. Scholar Award from the P.E.O. Sisterhood. She was sponsored by Chapter AF of Ithaca, NY.
P.E.O. Scholar Awards are competitive merit-based awards for women of the U.S. and Canada who are pursuing a doctoral-level degree at an accredited college or university. Scholar Awards recipients are a select group of women chosen for their high level of academic achievement and their potential for having a positive impact on society.
For more information on P.E.O. and their grants and awards, contact Pam Hanna at pjh24@cornell.edu.