Highlights from Announcements 4/17/23

Make Your Voice Heard
Deadline Extended: Doctoral Experience Survey Closes April 26
If you received an email invitation, please take time to respond. Results from the Doctoral Experience Survey are crucial for informing improvements to graduate education at Cornell—at the institutional level of the Graduate School as well as in individual graduate fields.
May Conferral Deadline Approaching
Congratulations to students who have reached the finish line and plan to complete their degree requirements this semester. Please be aware that you need to submit your approved thesis/dissertation by May 1 to graduate in May. Contact the Graduate School (gradstudserv@cornell.edu) with questions or concerns.
Don’t Let Your Financial Support Lapse: Register for the Summer Semester
All research students, except those taking a vacation from research activities and work toward degree progress, must be registered and enrolled in research credits for the summer term. Summer registration is especially critical for students receiving financial aid (fellowships, summer loans, assistantships, travel grants, or tuition awards) during the summer. There is no charge for GRAD 9016 summer registration. Tuition charges will apply if you register for other courses.
To register, enroll in Graduate Summer Research course, GRAD 9016.
Partnership Expands Horizons of Humanities Doctoral Career Possibilities
Cornell University Press and the Graduate School have partnered to provide internship training experiences for graduate students. Incorporating experiential learning is less common in the humanities doctoral training paradigm, which tends to be more of a solo endeavor.
Read more about the internship.
Preparing for Tax Season
The Tax Deadline is Tomorrow!
April 18 is the deadline to file your taxes. Read the Graduate School’s Tax Information and Tax Preparation FAQs.
Student Spotlight
Yurong You is a doctoral candidate in computer science from Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, China. He attended Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an undergraduate and now studies optimizing the algorithms of autonomous vehicles at Cornell.
All spotlights.