Highlights from Announcements 9/20/21
Bike with the Barn taught students about hand signals for safely riding in traffic, offered bike trivia and biking resources, provided demonstrations, and more.
Last Day to Register Without Late Registration Fee Has Passed!
The last day to register without being charged the $350 late registration was Friday, September 17. If you are not registered you need to take immediate action. To check your registration status, log into Student Essentials.
- If you are registered, your Registration Status will state “Registered” with a green checkmark.
- If the green checkmark is not present you are NOT registered.
Click on “more information” for complete details on holds preventing registration and steps to resolve the hold. Please contact Graduate School Student Services (gradstudserv@cornell.edu) with any questions.
Doctoral Alumni Co-Editors for Book on Graduate Instruction
Kacie Armstrong, Lauren Genova, and John Wyatt Greenlee, all Ph.D. ’20, edited “Teaching Gradually: Practical Pedagogy and Classroom Strategies for Graduate Students by Graduate Students” together with Derina Samuel, Center for Teaching Innovation.
Doctoral Students Contribute to Deep Reasoning Networks Research
Computer science doctoral candidate Di Chen is first author of a paper which combines deep learning with constraint reasoning, to which doctoral students Yiwei Bai, Sebastian Ament, and Wenting Zhao contributed.
Student Spotlight
Karla García-Martínez is a doctoral candidate in biomedical and biological sciences (BBS) with a concentration in immunology and infectious diseases from the Tijuana/San Diego border region between Mexico and the United States. After attending the University of California, Berkeley as an undergraduate, she decided to pursue further study at Cornell due to the BBS program’s academic standing, resources, and diverse student population. García-Martínez is a HHMI Gilliam Fellowship recipient.
Read more about Karla García-Martínez.
Check out our other student spotlights and learn about students’ research, hobbies, and experiences at Cornell.